
Totally an outlier here, but since the primary Forza player in my household is about to turn 5, I cannot express how helpful the driving line has been. It has been a real shortcut to explaining so many things about how to read and play games to someone who is just starting to internalize the massive amount of implicit

So I’ve only played the first level because I noticed it was on Game Pass and I needed a brain break from work, but the kind of remarkable thing about this game to me, or at least the way that it really incredibly makes good on the notion of a mundane power fantasy, is that the part of moving that sucks is the

My spouse and I ate our weight in their pork kimchi during the summers of 2015 and 2016. So good, these shoes are seriously tempting.

It’s a bummer, it was a really lovely convention because of its comparatively chillness. Like, it’s 0% surprising that they axed it, but it was absolutely the one where you could sit down and play a board game with Tim Fowers (who ended up giving us a prototype of Fugitive because we had seen him at so many PAXes) or

Totally, this is all valid, and I could maybe qualify what I said above as meaning to convey that, like, that’s why I found it disappointing in the context in which I came to it. Like, my idea was too cemented about what it was by then. I imagine if I watched it again now (it’s been a few years) or I somehow saw it

If I may presumptuously fill in some blanks since I sense we had similar trajectories, I found that cut disappointing because it explains A LOT and they cut the Echo and the Bunnymen song, both of which are grave mistakes for different reasons.

We adopted more abstract frivolous compliments when we had our kid and consequently a month or two ago I had a little munchkin running around the house yell-singing Old Town Road at the top of their lungs telling me how fast and powerful their little white shorts made them feel. It was incredible.

This is preposterous and tangential but I felt a similar (but obviously MUCH milder) exhaustion when hour long theory crafting videos about the new Matrix showed up in my queue... Like, we don’t need to be super smart and get one over by knowing more than everyone else. I get it, it can be fun, but sometimes we can

Absolutely, I appreciate their willingness to throw money at small creators on the constant gamble that they’ll generate another massive hit relative to its budget, but wow dude is a pretty onerous dipshit to hitch your horse to.

Fuck that, not my Colorado. I am positive it has to be all those damn Texas transplants, there’s no way my home would do me dirty like that.

I found the episodes they hinted at so wild... Like they were some of the weirder, anime-ier ones which I absolutely expected them to cut. Holding out hope for lobster fridge.

I am a big proponent of the “order drive through and park and eat in your car” method. I have years and years of fond memories of just sitting in the car with my Mom in the parking lot, eating McDonalds, and just chatting when I was a kid.

[whispering to date while watching Finch when Finch first appears on the screen] That’s Finch

Thanks for the PSA. Separate art from artist yeah yeah yeah also I don’t want to support people whom I find repugnant and I appreciate the heads up.

Fingers crossed whatever money could potentially be sent John K’s way is used for this or... literally almost anything else since he’s a monstrous bastard.

Lots of people hammering this point but in terms of actual data, LEGO is categorically cheaper per part AND by weight than it was 40 years ago, so I think this is more of a perception thing than anything else. Here’s the breakdown: https://therealityprose.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/what_happened_with_lego/. Perhaps

Yeah, TBH I was being too coy, it is absolutely not mysterious.

FFS why did they not go with Levar Burton. He’s seasoned enough to have been getting emmy nominations when both of these hosts were in short pants. I saw some random TMZ thing where they were bugging him for comment on the matter and he was wearing a mask and shopping at Staples. Relatable, considerate, and multiple

Welcome! I am unreasonably excited about the perspective you’ll bring roundabout these parts.

Wow, my spouse and I booted it up last night (thank you Game Pass for saving me the buyer’s remorse) for about an hour, and it’s validating to know that my early notions that it just sort of sucked were well-founded. Honestly I mostly got distracted by just contriving the most absurd possible scenarios so at least I