Woof, I feel all this but also, this last year changed so much about my leisure time. My gaming time has actually dropped off precipitously. I... Don’t even know if I finished a game this year. I started a few but _way_ fewer than is typical for me.
Woof, I feel all this but also, this last year changed so much about my leisure time. My gaming time has actually dropped off precipitously. I... Don’t even know if I finished a game this year. I started a few but _way_ fewer than is typical for me.
Ha, at the beginning of the quarantine my kid got super obsessed with Wall-E and I sort of started to hate the movie in retrospect because it portrayed (presumably) Americans as lazy, feckless, and awful. I no longer take issue with the movie.
This is disgusting BUT I’m pumped to maaaybe see Naomi Watanabe start to reach some of the cultural ubiquity she had in Japan over here in the states.
Can we just talk about the intersection of music and sound design in that game for a second? I find it’s easy to get a little cynical about any non-Nintendo console trading on nostalgia because... I dunno it just feels different. But _every single time_ the transition to the final section of each world sent chills…
So what I’m seeing here is that they should have just bought the entire production run of Nissan S-Cargos and repainted them.
I’m so sorry for that loss and experience, and yeah, that just about aligns with the types of folks I met in 10+ years of catholic schooling. Plus I was raised by “lapsed” catholics who were all sorts of fucked up from the incalculable amounts of baggage heaped onto them from their upbringing. I feel like there’s a…
Yup, this. Though at my school I still had to take several years of theology classes and attend mass regularly. One of my former theology teachers got busted about 5 years ago for taking surreptitious pictures of kids in the YMCA locker room, and that’s one of a few documented scandals at just the two catholic schools…
For my fellow Coloradans, this resource is good for finding an appointment: https://vaccine-finder.nickm.org/. Updates every minute for several national grocery and drug store chains. I believe employees in my spouse’s school district have had luck with it.
One interesting quirk of Colorado style is that the braided look on the crust isn’t quite a hard an fast rule, but what _is_ a hard and fast rule is that the edge is folded over or under (e.g. Beau Jo’s does that braided shit to pretty up the fold over, Woody’s does not and folds under). Crucially, these means that…
Lest we forget that Mitch _halved_ the world record on Super Orb Bros. That was a fun thing.
YES YES YES 1000 times this! One of the best soundtracks ever, an maaaaybe also my favorite Amon Tobin album in the long term. Between this and licensing the Crystal Method song, I remember having this weird feeling that they were gonna seek out increasingly interesting electronic music as the series went on, though I…
I love love love the pharmacies in the game moooostly because I have the unfortunate context of knowing that 99% of the OTC meds in Japan are about as effective as a stout pat on the back and will do nothing if, say, you have a miserable cold and are used to easy access to sudafed.
Same, every single time I mutter “where are your fucking masks” until I check the date stamp and see that it’s from olden times.
I’m glad it’s coming but also... I’m only 15 hours or so in but it seems like this one is _way_ less dense in terms of landmarks. Like, there’s maybe 5 or 10 spots but the rest of it is just... beautiful rolling hills and mounds of period appropriate filth.
Heck yes. And if I may co-opt this moment, I also fucking love the score to Syndicate (partially because it’s great, partially because I feel a sense of home town pride since Wintory went to school where I live). They definitely know how to pick them in the AC series.
Ikenfell’s cats, Mother 3's frogs, animals just love helping you out in charming RPGs.
IIRC the new KI synced game actions to the music, right? And the latest MK trilogy def had a very rhythmic quality to the sound design on combos. Seems like a match made in heaven!
I dunno if it’s because we but the cable long ago or we’re living under a rock or what, but my spouse and I freaking live in Colorado and somehow neither of us had heard of this case til this show came out.
Honest to goodness I’ve been looking forward to this all month. It’s a nice feeling unclenching for a moment to enjoy this.