My spouse and I would always joke about this sort of shit, like, if you’re gonna weirdly sexualize your kid, might as well go HAM and have “young, dumb, and full of cum” or “uncut and ready to fuck” onesies made up. It’s just so unsettling.
My spouse and I would always joke about this sort of shit, like, if you’re gonna weirdly sexualize your kid, might as well go HAM and have “young, dumb, and full of cum” or “uncut and ready to fuck” onesies made up. It’s just so unsettling.
I always assumed that Jackie Chan had to be one of the most famous living people, though that’s probably fallen off a bit in the last decade. Regardless, I can’t think of a lot of folks who would have his sort of recognizability both in the east and the west.
I am thou, thou art I. Pretty much the exact same trajectory. And I’m 100% with you on CarlSagan, but he’s grown on me in the last day or two. He’s a little performative and yell-y for my usual tastes, but when the facade drops a bit he seems like a pretty chill, decent dude? Plus for all the delighting in trolly…
Kinda same, I’ve always been a super casual Mitchflowerpower/Grandpoobear fan, though that was really limited to watching their appearances on GDQ. The past 2 weeks I’ve fallen all the way down the hole of having MFP/GBP/Barb/CarlSagan42 etc. playing in the background nonstop while I work. Between work and toddler I…
Update: I checked my steam account. My spouse logged 221 hours so far, and that’s not counting time spent on the Switch port. I reckon you can chalk 20-30 hours up to just leaving the game idling but.... uh... yeah... Lotta Cook Serve Delicious in this house.
This is horrifically reductive but: It’s pretty much a high-pressure typing game. Ingredients are assigned to keys, and as you play more you start to memorize dishes and such while you deal with increasingly more complex dishes, more food prep stations, and more customers.
This has seriously made my week. My spouse has _easily_ played hundreds of hours of the first two. I can’t wait!!!
Ha, I was half about to append the list of shit I own that plays SMW since I collect that crap and have had ample opportunity, I’m just lazy/have a toddler. IIRC I have a SNES, a Super Famicom (and a JP copy of the game), a SNES Mini, and a Super Famicom Mini... Oh, shoot, and a Super NT. I really need to get off my…
I’ve been watching Grandpoobear’s first run of Grand Poo World 2 and getting the strong urge to play Super Mario World. In spite of being the right age for it AND owning a SNES at the time, I’ve never played more than an hour or two of SMW. It’s one of my greatest shames.
Side note: Thinking back, I don’t know why the…
I think I’d be weirdly into a European car mechanic simulator style Gundam building game. Extra points if there’s a model mode (where you tap or click around to disconnect parts from sprues, put them together, finish them, etc.) and a hanger mode where you’re orchestrating the assembly of giant mechs.
Yuuuup. I must admit though, our development was built without fences, and my inbox conveniently blocked our neighbors’ emails when they were asking if we wanted to chip in for the back of their fence. I know it makes me a bit of a bastard, but we just didn’t really want a fence.
100% this. My spouse and I were fucking terrified because we ripped out some shitty plants the builder put in our back yard, and the moment a passerby asked whether we were going to replace them it felt like a timer was set for the god damn HOA (Well, metro district in our case) to send us a whiny, needling letter…
If hot dogs are sandwiches, and Oreos are sandwiches, then it stands to reason that an Oreo is a type of hot dog. Change my mind.
Huh, only raised $48 less than Vince Staples when he called for haters to put up or shut up (or, I guess, get off his dick). Seems like these donators are not just lazy assholes, but cheap lazy assholes.
Back in the Maker 1 days I had grand ambitions to adapt the Cremaster Cycle since I had seen someone do it in Little Big Planet but then I realized 1) I’m lazy and 2) just because I was willing to sit through that shit doesn’t mean anyone else wants to.
I’m a 1:1 cherry to coke verging on 2:1 cherry to coke kind of guy. But the critical steps for me are: Bed of cherry, coke in the middle, more cherry on top. And sometimes I split it into further bands if I’m feeling particularly stratified that day.
Really, the biggest things are 1) hoping that I caught the machine on…
Throwing in a vote for Streets of Rage, mostly because Dr. Fatbody was on the couch and he always makes a run a raucous good time.
Honestly, the main “hack” for crane games is to just play them in Japan, since the customs and expectations are a whole lot different there around that activity. My spouse and I have ended up having to check another bag during a trip out there just to carry loot home because they are tuned to be much more reasonable.
Whoa, you’ve sent me down quite the rabbit hole of nostalgia. Fond memories of my BFF from high school being obsessed with Scud, which eventually lead me to Channel101, and, ultimately, being super bummed about Rob Schrab getting bumped from directing the second LEGO movie. Good times.
You.... You know how to express a point with a ridiculous metric. Good work!