
I dunno, House of Cosbys managed to be pretty coherent (I mean, for what it was) and non-rambling IIRC, and that’s also outside of the confines of cable. Maybe that’s too vintage?

Listen I’ve dropped plenty of money on both Panic and Teenage Engineering shit and that’s just part of who I am, ok?

Hot damn! Now bring back Doctor X please Amazon.

This is verging on tinfoil hat territory, but I wonder if any element of this was weighing the poor press of the backlash versus the potentially positive word of mouth of just getting the game into more hands. Like, I’d imagine it would have to be doing pretty abysmally for that sort of trade off to make sense, but

Nope, not sarcasm. You have a bunch of great, really informative comments in your history, so thank you for all the interesting reads.

God help us once Notch gets a copy. 

Holy shit, thank you for one of the more unexpectedly fascinating reads I’ve run across in the comment threads. Pardon me while I dive into your comment history, because this is some great stuff.

Yeah, reading it again, the review totally gives off that vibe in the context of that comparison. Ah well, no matter what, thanks for the review, I’m def looking forward to giving it a shot!

Wow, I hadn’t heard the slightest thing about this game but it seems super rad! Hearing your criticisms, it sounds a lot like what it felt to play 999 for the first time: Really interesting game that could be (and thankfully was) smoothed out with quality of life improvements in later iterations.

I vented about this in another MM2 thread, but yesterday’s entire announcement is totally baffling. And I see a lot of people chalking it up to “Nintendo just always does stuff different,” but it’s honestly a little disconcerting to me. Between sequestering level sharing behind a paywall (Which is arguably the long

I mean, the reason to do it this was is that you’ve locked in your money without the concurrent guarantee that they’ll ever have to serve you anything. Like, I doubt many people would, but I guarantee there are people who will sit on the voucher and never use it. And, as the article says, they can pretend that a

I once had a flight from Denver to Singapore delayed for 8 hours on the tarmac before the subsequent 20 hour flight time (Long, stupid story. They let people bail on the flight after the first several hours then ended up having to re-locate them to see if they wanted to get back on the plane once it was cleared). Also

I 110% get that, but let’s put this into perspective. I looked up an online database of MM1 levels (which seemingly functions for free without ads or donation buttons I might add), and the compressed file size served up to grab a single level is 43kb. Let’s be generous and call it 100kb. Loading just this page with

I totally get that, but to what extent is uploading levels the main appeal of Smash? Or to put it in other terms, as a post-release addon, I don’t think that’s really a comparable thing, since everyone who bought the game pre-addon already evaluated the value proposition of the game (including whether Switch online

This looks great but the whole Switch online thing seems... worrying and strangely un-Nintendo. I am 100% behind paying for the infrastructure required to run servers long-term, but hiding the long term lifeblood that is community creation behind a paywall... It doesn’t seem unfair but it’s a little bit of a head

I feel like a twerp for venting so much bile lately, but I was out roundabout The Door. I know this is a wildly unpopular opinion, but I think that whole episode is one of the dumbest, least earned, least necessary, insulting retcons in the history of retcons.

Came here to mention this. Intellectually, I knew how that trick worked, but being that I _started_ the game at 10 or 11 at night and finished it in one go on my first play-through, by the time I got to that part, it shook me a little bit.

Good clean fun. I often reflect upon Drew Scalon’s thoughts on swearing which are: There are more creative ways to express yourself. Did I stop swearing? Fuck no, but I delight in finding creative ways of expressing frustration that aren’t so fucking facile and boring. Same goes for trash talk. 

Absolutely. I can get way too up my own ass when I talk about that game, but it’s just so good. Like, to me, the remarkable trick it pulls is that there’s no trick. You know exactly how every vignette is going to end, but they’re so well-presented and engaging that you can’t help yourself, and rather than thinking

I was just thinking about how it’s time to play Edith Finch again. What an incredible game.