
For no particular reason I restarted God of War (2018) this week so I’ll probably be playing that. Or maybe I’ll splurge on MK11. Or I’ll just curl up in the fetal position and sleep because my toddler has gone from pink eye to double ear infection to now barfing in the last week and a half and I’m getting real tired

I may be misremembering, but I think that’s almost the exact number my dad was quoted. When it was between that and, like, a couple hundo on a toilet seat (I mean, if you wanna be fancy) it’s not even a choice.

This will be, like, the 10th time I’ve left basically the same comment, but if you’re flush with enough cash, a good Japanese or Korean made bidet toilet seat is a life changing purchase.
Standard pro-tips:
1. Discuss features with _everyone_ in your household before committing. Your “must haves” may be totally

God bless you all for having enough sports and jerkoff content to be able to fill a 3-up’s worth of related articles on the subject.

Finally, my username is relevant.

RIP sleep tracker. May flights of Vitality Sensors sing thee to thy rest.

In the most obliquely Nintendo-esque way they kiiiiind of did this with Play Coins on the 3DS?

Whoa, thank you Tim! Can’t wait to dig into this tonight.

Ugh, glad I read the comments. I’ll stick to the Tanner Hall ankle break video since 1) it’s not especially graphic 2) his reaction is both understandable and hilarious and 3) he continued on in the sport so it didn’t have the element of ending a career to it.

One note about actually _getting_ access: I downloaded it, got the “you gotta wait” screen then just checked in the next day and seemingly got cleared to play. Never got a notification or email, it just happened. So I guess it’s worth just opening up the app now and then to check.

Ugh, I felt this hard as I was packing up my game stuff on my last move and ran across my super special edition of Dark Souls 2. The statue is kind of neat but wow... It just felt like a poor choice.

I mentioned this in another comment, but if you’re _really_ good LEGO might notice you and potentially hire you. Powerpig is one of my favorite custom designers, and he ended up taking his store front down because LEGO scooped him up. But otherwise they seem pretty chill about this sort of thing as long as you’re

It is kind of bananas. That’s the price I would expect to pay for a custom designed MOC. Powerpig, who was recently hired by LEGO and had to take down his store front, would charge a fraction of that for similar custom sets. It was still more than standard sets, but he included really nice professional packaging and

So glad to see more from Tribute. Wizorb 4 Life.

Now playing

The first, last, and only Matt Berry clip I need in my life:

Oof, I’m not sure I can even concede that point. When I think about Zach Barth and Infiniminer I just go right back to “Nah, fuck Notch from beginning to end.”

I fell squarely into the “It’s cool to shit on Hanson” bucket at the time with everyone else, but after having watched Todd in the Shadows talk about them, I definitely felt like a giant jerk retroactively speaking. They’re still going and doing what they love, so good for them.

Good memories of that album. Plus a PT Anderson music video! Good way to start the day.

I can imagine several reason why they cut it, but I kinda miss the smoke plume from the original. Heck of a set regardless, I’m definitely gonna have to pick it up.

Good to know. Do you (or anyone else) know if HSA spending rules are the same as FSA spending rules. Cursory googling seems to indicate as much, but if anyone knows for sure I’d appreciate it!

Good to know. Do you (or anyone else) know if HSA spending rules are the same as FSA spending rules. Cursory