
Yeah. There were minor mindblowing moments in ZTD, but it def feels like there wasn’t really A Thing that recast the events of the entire game (or games). Which I almost feel silly complaining about, like, that they didn’t make a third game that completely and constantly blew my mind over and over. The disappointment

ZTD is a little less thrilling, but VLR does some truly mindblowing shit. Worth a play through if you’re able.

Who among us hasn’t parroted white nationalist talking points when we get all tongue tied and can’t articulate ourselves well? Heck, I did it just last week when I asked the pretty girl at the bus stop out, and again at a job interview! Darn nerves!

Getting too old for this shit. Can anyone name a 3d Sonic game since... The first one?... for which the headline wasn’t some version of this one?

Mario Run came out the week my baby was born, and its one-handedness was a godsend.

This SD card is a great compromise of a lot of space while staying well under $100 (it’s currently $72).

Yay for dynamic HUDs! Former plasma owner/current OLED owner me wishes everyone would implement a HUD opacity slider though. Those persistent elements can be modern TV killers if you don’t have a LED.

I guess. This is hair splitting, but she reacts to her holographic HUD, which you as the player can also see. She doesn’t react to your (the player’s) compass, mission info, etc. So it’s your (singular) game info HUD and your (plural) holographic HUD.

The booze there is taxed to crazy prices, so if you gotta go, buy liquor duty free and drink in your hotel room.

If you can’t be bothered to watch a video or follow the provided instructions, it’s not _too_ bad.

If you can’t be bothered to watch a video or follow the provided instructions, it’s not _too_ bad.

Buy a bidet. Buy a bidet. Really, buy a bidet.

Buy a bidet. Buy a bidet. Really, buy a bidet.

Complaining about misrepresentation in the media in 2017... Maybe not a good look.

Why does the burden to understand context fall on the consumer of the thing instead of the person who is willfully ignoring context for laughs? It’s not like I don’t understand what they’re going for, it’s that understanding doesn’t make them not dickheads.

It’s worth noting that Round1, a fairly popular chain of giant arcade/entertainment centers in Japan, is aggressively expanding in the US. I haven’t made it out to the one that just opened in Denver yet because we have a new kiddo in the house, but as I understand it, they do a good job of replicating something close

3-5 squares per wipe, BUT I have a Japanese bidet. Best life purchase ever, period.

Wow. After having downloaded the, like, 100s of gbs of presentation stuff for HyperSpin for my MAME cabinet, this looks like a dream come true.

The only way I can square this is that they wanted an informational enough tone to appeal to “serious” people, but also wanted to shoot it in a way that’d appeal to... millennials/generation y/anyone who liked MTV in the mid-90s? But they botched both so badly that it just alienated everyone.

Thanks for liking my post Gita! I just realized that you drop by the office I work at (Cards) a lot, but I’m remote so I’ve never gotten to say hello.

Not especially long or special stories, but I have two of ‘em.

Thank you! One note: you wrote “earl on” when you mean “early on” in the ABKP section.