
Pretty sure that news story was apocryphal, which makes all this stuff extra confusing.

Ah, yes, I hadn’t considered that! I spent a weekend on Korea last year and about a week and a half this year and hoooooo boy does that map limitation make getting around as a tourist kind of unnecessarily a pain.

I’m in Japan but my phone is still on the US iOS store. Downloaded it no problem, the map is a barren wasteland cause it’s just not on here. So I’ve gotten to the point where I’m now just quietly resentful of everyone’s magical experiences stateside.

Sorry, so just to make sure I understand your thought process, your preference is for one of your direct advocates (the _enthusiast_ press) to pester their contact from a notoriously tight-lipped company in a notoriously tight-lipped country (corporately speaking) to get a non answer, and if they don’t do so, it’s

That’s some.... Armchair editorialization right there. Part of the (evidently non-) work is mainaining congenial enough relationships with higher ups in game companies that you don’t burn bridges. Patrick has been about as loud and public as you can be without having severed the relationship. In all likelihood he

I haven’t played it, so I dunno, but it seems like a bummer that, irrespective of the final product, this leaves a SUPERHOT clone-like impression and not a whole lot more. Feels almost like they did themselves a disservice. Cause I was way down with SUPERHOT’s pared down aesthetic, and I'd love to see and idea like

I'd hope that it was the other way around (Heather wrote it first then read it) since 1) it sounds more read than off the cuff and 2) that'd be a huge pain!

God bless my saintly wife who on two separate gifting holidays imported a launch Japanese Dreamcast and a Super Famicom pretty much exclusively on the merits of their weird and beautiful boxes respectively.

Honestly.... Nothing. A year or two ago, before I watched the Run Button 20 years of Sonic LP (https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=…) I might have had an intelligent answer. But watching how acutely awful it gets in such a short span just makes me despair for the franchise.

Not exaggerating, the medley in KotS makes me tear up every single time. Maybe the most cathartic thing I have ever seen in a short form TV show.

God bless Pannenkoek. He has an honest to goodness gift for clear thinking problem solving paired with an incredible capacity for explaining the complexities of the speedrun style scene from first precepts in a way that anyone with a little curiosity and patience can understand.

According to family mythology, I’m related to the dude who classified and named the praying mantis. Glad to see it made the top 10.

Alright, answering un bidden, but I’m heading for my 5th trip to Tokyo this summer, so might as well throw in my 2 cents. I’ll be there working remotely for 6 weeks, and this is the second time I will have done a trip of this scale.

Now playing

And here’s the timestamped link for those of us what got shit to do, but not so much shit that we can’t watch part of an internet video:

Wow... Lotta that 1-2 execution. I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt, but this preview mostly just makes me wanna replay Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Pretty neat looking! But am I the only one who is a little disappointed that they mentioned this as part of their press cycle? Feels like the sort of thing some fan should’ve just stumbled on to.

Am I crazy, I feel like I’m missing a link to the actual video?

Looks like we’re in for Call of Duty ℵ1-ℵ∞...

Wow, Corn Pops and Kix on the shit tier... I can’t get behind that.

Ah, I’m preaching to the choir then. It’s a bummer that it’s a crapshoot in terms of platforms that support params on the embed, but what can you do. Thanks for posting the exact thing I was hoping to find in the first place!