Just you wait. They'll cover up the right 1/3 of the screen with the full Facebook view.
Just you wait. They'll cover up the right 1/3 of the screen with the full Facebook view.
Hopefully it doesn't sound too hyperbolic when I say that I think Jonathan Blow is probably the most important auteur gaming has right now. I really think he's best poised to push the medium into really meaningful new ground.
It's too bad there is a dearth of information available on Edge, it's a simple, beautiful bit of gaming.
Fuck yes. Really stand up move on your part Gawker/Kotaku, I can't freaking wait!
Well laa dee daa Mr. "I'm a professional in my field"! Why don't you continue doing your job properly?... jerk...?
Even though I wish this was such a non-issue that it wouldn't be worth even mentioning, I really admire her courage. Now let's shift the conversation back to how awesome games are instead of worrying about petty crap.
Ha, I totally tipped this to Kotaku, though I seriously doubt I was the only one. Gotta hand it to Atlas, that email was pretty freaking awesome.
Great post. I appreciate Bondi's method quite a bit because it allows actors to shine beyond just their voices. 9 times out of 10 celebrity voices suck in games because they rely on so much more than just their voice, and while I love me some Nolan North, I hope this attracts more conventional actors into the gaming…
Ugh, I have to sit here and stare at the Amazon box all day until work is over... Can't wait!
While I agree that I blow through games in much higher volume as I did when I was young, I'm also glad to be alive in a time when games are starting to evolve into a serious and powerful storytelling medium. I also have developed enough of a critical eye to be able to say why I enjoy so many games, both new and old,…
I'm getting cautiously pumped for this game. I'm really hoping it provides an Uncharted 2-like experience inasmuch as my wife will insist on watching the whole thing. If CliffyB is to be believed, the crime drama element might just clinch it for her.
Outstanding sir!
I've never finished a single Suda game but jeebus I'm glad they exist. Gaming needs more auteurs!
I'd bemoan that truth if the games weren't exceptionally good. Let's just hope they have the restraint to give us a proper final chapter to the arc before milking it to death.
It's pronounced Genterprise.
Easy fix, just slather the coils in bacon grease every night.
Man, a lot of you commenters have a bad case of the everything's amazings and nobody's happies.
No kidding. I've lived in Colorado all my life and it took years before I figured out that ink cartridges are a colossal waste of cash anywhere it is even remotely dry most of the year.
It's totally personal preference but I find the smoothness a little cheap looking, like videotape. No idea why, that's just how it looks to me.
Isn't this just high-level security through obscurity?