
This is going to sound mean, but it's truly intended with love:

The Team Fortress character videos pretty much cemented Valve as Pixarian in my mind. Always subtle and overt in just the right ways.

Step 1: Cut a hole in that box...

True, though I bought the PS3 version solely because I get the PC version for free, so I wonder if they'd throw us a bone and give us the code early.

Truly, this is the era of put twitter name into something and get something out:

Heh, totally agreed, though I must say I have found that playing my 3ds while it's in the Nintendo charging cradle is pretty darn comfortable. Makes the whole thing feel like a boxy 360 controller.

The retro and CE stuff look awesome but I dunno about the newer stuff, looks like it'll be really hard to play the new Pac Man with 3d on, irrespective of the quality of the game.

Sorry, it's 0344-9278-1556

Got SS4, and Ghost Recon. Reply if you want me to add you too!

Can't wait. I'll be the guy wearing the shirt that looks just like my icon!

I can't wait!

Interestingly I'm much more prone to finish games now post-college than I was when I was still in college (I doubt going to engineering school helped, it pretty much eliminates your free time.) Luckily my wife is also a gamer so she indulges and participates in my hobby, which surely helps.

Mechanically, Gameloft isn't that awful at making iOS games, they're just ethically abhorrent. Get these devs on some original IPs and see what they can do, because this shit reminds me of people who put more work into cheating on a test than actually learning the material.

It speaks to the awesomeness of Demon's Souls that getting almost anything productive done in that game filled me with the same thrill as (finally) beating the I Wanna Be The Guy level in Super Meat Boy. Can't wait to see what they have in store for the next one.

@Veit: Luckily I live near one of the four Mile High Comics we have here in the Denver Metro area. I don't visit often, but whomever does their ordering has awesome tastes as I have found several interesting non-comic-related art books and such there.

If you think a bit about the BIT.TRIP series, it makes sense that it returns to the beginning. I have no doubt they have some tricks up their sleeves, but the point this crazy series was to act as a survey of gaming styles and trends over the years. If you view BEAT as the 70s all the way through FATE as the

@sp00nix T-5: Then the price becomes 22.35 instead of 20?

@Spiffyness: If I could get my Boston Terrie to hold a pipe in its mouth, I'm pretty sure he could pass for Gaffigan's twin.

Split between my current gen systems plus MAME cab and my old TV upstairs with a buuunch of retro systems. My wife, saint that she is, say Tetris'd something like 18 systems in that teensy TV stand.

The booze vending machine in the b hotel Ikebukuro had whiskey in a can for sale. My wife and I tried it on our last trip out there last summer. Not bad, not great.