@usedtowork: Technically double the probability that it will crack when dropped...
@usedtowork: Technically double the probability that it will crack when dropped...
Castlevania, Enslaved, maybe Comic Jumper and maybe some Deathspank with the wife. So many games!
My god, that internal sort of topographic map is beautiful.
@The Monster King: Ain't hipsterism if they genuinely enjoy the Pac.
@SexyPants: I did visually all throughout world one (Let's say 45 minutes of gameplay depending on difficulty and dawdling). Graphics-wise that game definitely puts its best foot forward.
Snagged it yesterday and I'll be damned if it's not one of the better looking games I've played in recent memory. Seriously, it's legitimately beautiful at times.
@DoubtedBeef: Yeah, but these ones right here, they're not the droids you're looking for.
@dgonchild: Same here. Thanks Kotaku and Fahey for keeping us in the loop!
@toosharp4u: 6 bucks shipping. 'Round these parts (Just outside metro Denver), that comes to a grand total of $65-66 bucks for a new game, which is roughly equivalent to price + tax, HOWEVER with the constant rolling 10-20 dollar discounts I don't think I've paid over $55 more than once out of the last ten or so games…
Can't wait! I'm really hoping Schafer/Doublefine will blossom to a broader audience through XBLA style games, it's the perfect niche for him to fill.
Way to represent! If only we had sweet medallions on Kotaku...
This seems phenomenally bass-ackwards, but I guess it makes sense to them.
Geekdom is predicated on deep, shameless sincerity. Hipsterism is about undermining sincerity.
@Aibyouka-kun: Hahaha, I will now use jizz buckets euphemistically in polite company:
@talkingstove: Totally agree with many gripes against that iPad, but my grandpa, who is getting loopier and more forgetful by the day, understood how to use it pretty much instantaneously, so all the usability stuff isn't total BS.
@Dr. Tobias Funke (analrapist): We enjoyed it quite a bit. If you like dual-joystick shooters or anything even remotely arcadey you'll love it. Great co-op stuff, great competatively dickish stuff (We had so much fun stealing gems out from under each other).
Just imagining The Sorrow boss fight and the ladder ascent makes me shiver. Can. Not. Wait.
@Benevolence: Actually it was all NSMBW and Layton up until that point (And, Splosion Man, but pass and play and not co-op cause we'd almost certainly get divorced).
Cranking on it right now with the wife, who is reprising her role as Sparkles. While there is some pervasive sameness, I enjoy the writing enough to keep with it (I prefer a game that makes me chortle occasionally with its smartness to the usual fare of either a) humorless games or b) games with brainless stabs at…