
@stryker1138: I'm a die-hard Doublefine fan, but that name on the label pretty much explains the lateness.

@Batman: Yup, it's an incredibly soft metal that can't hold an edge to save its life IRL. It's also ductile, which is cool I guess, means you can pound it into a 1 atom thick sheet if you REALLY wanted to. Pretty useless in heavy-duty applications though.

For those of us who love to know what time it is but can't look way from our copy of Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion...

@Myklsan: I shit you not, at a local Chinese restaurant a friend of mine got the fortune "Ssoorryy dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh oonn."

@TaylorEatWorld: Hahaha. I love how Bioware trickles in new species that might just show up in a big way in the next game.

@TaylorEatWorld: How could you think the shadow broker was terrifying when you obviously think that frankenstein girls will seem strangely sexy?

@Fossa: In-app purchase, 99 cents, I'm callin' it.

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Haha, I've actually been living in Golden since I transferred up to Mines about 5 years ago. God bless Coors lab/the short tour, it has gotten many a Mines student through field session (Mandatory summer school between junior and senior year).

Cool idea. Maybe make a few more for other common activities Coloradans indulge in, including ones for:


Watched it all fuzzed out on 3g and was convinced it was scripted story stuff. If they have nailed the combination of scripted flow with real gameplay, then you can color me a day 1 buyer.

@blyan-reloaded: Sorry, I meant to direct the trustworthiness thing more towards Kaiser but I forgot in the sea of crap I wrote.

@blyan-reloaded: Sous vide is a good small-scale application that leverages the benefits of repeatability in cooking.

@blyan-reloaded: As someone who's pro-mo-gastro (pretty sure I just shot my credibility), the stance that molecular meals are somehow untrustworthy or weird is almost exactly as ridiculous as the supposition that "science makes good," they're both more gut feelings than anything else. It's like saying that a meal

@Sexy Charmander: Hahaha. The wife and I snuck in for our third and fifth viewing respectively this weekend (Sneaking in is bad, but I've directly purchased or cause the purchase of, like, 10 tickets to the movie, so I figure one freebie isn't too big a deal).

@Paradox me: Ha, that scene always stuck with me because it was so smooth that it seems like it was animated at, like, a full 24 frames per second. You just can't cut corners when it comes to flopping guts.

@LetsTryThisAgain: What's the deal with guys starting trouble in my neighborhood, anyway? I got in one little fight, then my mom got scared, she deduced that I had to live with my aunt and uncle and then I moved to Bel-Aire.