
My dog likes his ancient ass inherited dog basket just fine...

@Rask: Plus this whole extended hardware life thing is a pretty new thing (And also sort of BS since there have been 4 incremental incarnations of DS, 4 PSPs, 2 PS3s and 2 Xbox 360s with changes less substantive than each years' iPhone). The only reason game companies don't churn out consoles at the ridiculous pace of

But can it play Crysis?

@tsunamino: In short spats, sure. At my dojang anyone testing for a 4th degree black belt has to jab 100 boards in a row. Even those nice treated boards mess up your hands pretty bad after a while.

To all the haters that say an old franchise won't have legs in this generation, let's not forget how well Bionic Comman...

I wonder how the slightly awkward Wii controlls will translate to slightly awkward touch controls. I'll still buy it though, those games are incredible.

So is George Broussard involved in any way beyond nominally?

@Bluecold: They did give it a dummy mode, it's called factory OS. Anyone that concerned just jailbreaks it.

@tomsomething: Yes! Look it up on Youtube ASAP! It's a brilliant parody on 70s foreign knock off grindhouse movies from the Australians. Definitely worth the watch.

@tomsomething: Oh God I forgot about that video series... Damn it was good. What was it called again?

Those shrimp are totally visible! Give 'em a fair shot guys!

As a Colorado native I'm surrounded by an unholy hell of a lot of beer variety, and I have to say, our biggest little beer company (New Belgium) tastes an order of magnitude better from the can.

If anyone finds this sort of thing interesting you may want to go way back to Wittgenstein's "Tractatus", or for something a bit more recent and fictional, David Foster Wallace's "Broom of the System".

@lpranal: And that's still crazily more recent compared to Wittgenstein's Tractatus which was published in 1921.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow of the Colossus 2: Among Thieves.

@MAdmin: True, but you're cheating a bit since you Swedes get to practice with the easy (Erbium), medium (Terbium), and hard (Ytterbium) to pronounce element series. I will admit that those are way cooler than our Americium and Californium though.

Thanks Wilhelm Roentgen. You gave us medical x-rays and you are the namesake of one of the most difficult (To English tongues at least) to pronounce elements - Roentgenium.