
@hmmcolor: You do microwave your leg, but hopefully you'd have the good sense to move before you actually started to cook.

@Senics: If I remember correctly, during my last trip to Vegas (Some time in January), the only place I saw the Star Wars slots was in the airport. Weird on several levels.

@TheRevanchist2: It's the newer classic Star Trek slots that do it for me. I'm not much of a gambler, but I've always had fun sitting in front of one of those.

@geolemon: Fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, that walled environment can be a really fertile market for the basic user, the mid-level user, and the power user who doesn't wanna spend time dealing with a fractured market.

@v-i-z: Indeed! Sparkles wasn't too happy with that aspect of our first playthrough.

@ifandbut: Ah, but helium is different. It's so light that it leaves the earth's atmosphere and goes off into space. Once we run out of helium we are out, period, forever, unless we get it off-planet or synthesize it nuclearly.

@ClaudioIphigenia: It's completely subjective, but I'd say yes it's that good in a very specific way. First off, for comparison, I will say that I think Braid was an objectively better game.

@Dad_Is_A_Zombie: The economics and perception of value proposition across the entire gaming sphere (iPhone game to AAA multimillion dollar game) are utterly baffling and counter-intuitive, especially if you compare them to even more wildly popular grown up activities (Drinking, gambling, etc.)

@MifuneT: I'm all for choice, but I'd rather take yearly obsolescence that I can fully subsidize by jailbreaking and ebaying over a brand or OS that is fractured across several handsets several times a year. I can understand the appeal of the alternative, I just can't dig into it.

@angstman: Her social activism has some merit since she tends to put her money where her mouth is.

@Ian Logsdon: Wouldn't it be a little classier (read: less trashy) to say her milieu is trashiness instead of saying she's worthless overall?

Say what you will about GaGa, she puts her money where her mouth is w/r/t social activism and I think most people will agree that that's not trashy in the least.

Competition in terms of volume? Didn't that cause the gaming crash of the 80s?

@tumes: This is not to say either system is unfair, it's just up to the discretion of the service provider.

@Koztah: Hey, he might have been a Sega kid. They did what Nintendidn't dontchaknow.

Technically speaking, "Why did Apple ban the Camera+ app" is almost exactly as meaningful a question as, "Why does Gizmodo (Or any other site) ban users for xx rule." If I think up some zinger involving Fleshlights I gotta hold back for fear of being banned. If I think up a brilliant use for the volume buttons I gotta

While it seems overboard, Apple is essentially selling an experience (From retail environment all the way through finished product). If they're gonna set rules, they're gonna end up being one of two kinds of assholes: an asshole who unerringly follows the rules or an asshole who bends the rules to his or her will.

@Ajh: Exactly. That's why I yearn for new, forward-looking sci-fi. Star Trek defined a lot of the form and function of our technology today, how are we going to define our technology for 40 years from now.