gimme all yr beagle pics now, puppies preferred
gimme all yr beagle pics now, puppies preferred
My beagles are overcome with excitement! Yay Beagles!
Huh, her thighs look like mine.
I mean... It's drake. It'd be like having a fight with Eeyore. Amber Rose is a much more worthy opponent.
Make clothes in my size and then we'll talk.
Levi's do not make pants for women with my ass too waist ratios. So yoga pants por vida.
And just so everyone can see how not kidding she was about the 50 Shades weekend box office.
Point of fact: he is showing just as much vagina as Hannah Davis.
Yo, It's coming.
I'm sad about Emile; I always liked him, but now, less so.
I bought it when I was sober. Also, no regrets. That shit is my JAM.
But what about the Welsh accent? BEST ACCENT EVER!
Madeleine! Spoiler alert with the photo! And on the front page, too!
St. Vincent (aka Annie Clark) is the first female solo artist to win the Best Alternative Album category since 1991 - the year the category was introduced, and won by Sinead O'Connor.
The feverish Beyonce worship here at Jezebel drowns out the accomplishments of other women.
My guess would be because she's terrible.
If one more person on Twitter credits this song to CCR... it's Screamin' Jay Hawkins people. Come on!
I would like to take this moment to say: what this delivery driver did was unprofessional and uncool and so shitty.
Can you tell him that PrincessBlergh from Jezebel thinks that he's a dickhead and a horrible excuse for a judge?
here's what you do. Go to your local butchers shop. Buy one single marrow bone. Go home, sprinkle salt and pepper on the open sides, and pop that sucked in the oven for about 30 minutes at 375 degrees. While it's cooking, slice up a nice chewy loaf of bread, like ciabatta. Also chop up some parsley and zest a lemon.…