
so who is this guy?

Oh god. When I first started dating my boyfriend, I got my period one night while I was sleeping at his place. I didn't realize it till the next morning. He had already left for work, thank god, but it was extremely heavy. I had to walk pigeon toed to the bathroom down the hall, butt naked, literally dripping blood on

Fuck, I must be doing something wrong. I love talking about my period. It makes men so uncomfortable!

That's what happens when cats don't mind their biz, and are nosey! My cat follows me into the bathroom all the time. And he's especially nosey around my time of the month.

I like your whole Mcgee household. That is all. Carry on.

Did I miss sunday night sign off?

Aren't you the one who was screaming at some poor thing in pissing contest for getting drunk at a museum gala, in a room without any displays?

oh shit, me too...and i forgot until i readyr comment. . .. in my defense, i didn't know until we had done the deed a couple times.

Nah. Fucking your teenaged daughter is objectively wrong. NEXT.


Welp, guess I'll just keep destroying the environment with my tampons.

You do not make the Diva cup sound appealing.

That is actually something that made it really hard for me to remove mine! You are supposed to stick your finger up there and press in the side at the rim before you remove it- so there is no suction, see? But mine always migrated so far up that my tiny fingers couldn't reach the rim to press it in. So it would be

Laughing at all the people saying it's 'OCD' to shower once a day or more. Clearly they aren't familiar with what the disorder entails. I have obsessive compulsive patients who shower every hour on the hour while cleaning their rectums with a toothbrush. THAT'S what OCD is. How often someone showers is a matter of

I certainly didn't. I mean, she wasn't even wearing a hoodie.

I would murder quite a comprehensive list of people. (Well, someone else can do the killing bit - I don't like blood)

I'm not even saying this to be a jagoff...who the hell is Rita Ora? I'm obviously getting old.

I am both surprised and disappointed that the word 'teledildonics' was not used in this article. It's a real word, and it means exactly what it sounds like, it's clearly the best word ever, and it's entirely relevant here.

Actually, the blog also takes its name from a Bette Davis movie called Jezebel. The choice of the name Jezebel was to demonstrate the laughable hypocrisy in how women who were so-called "Jezebels" were historically vilified thanks in large part to a patriarchal culture obsessed with shaming women for owning their

Yeah, didn't you hear about Jimmy Carter?