
help!!! I have a UTI! Haven't had a chance to go to the doctor, and might not go at all. I used to get them frequently, and they would always clear up after a few days. This one is like peeing a sword that's been lit on fire. I cry every time I try and pee! Any at home advice? I'm already downing sugar free legit

The most upsetting thing about this is her ass is going to be all over my newsfeeds today.

I really fucking hate how Jezebel is becoming the "Bey and Rhi" fan club website. These articles are fucking awful.

Just want to shout from the rooftops that I had a baby today! My fourth, first girl, 'twas a water birth and I caught her myself. This may be the hormones talking, but it really was the best birth probably in the history of the world. Really, though, it was so empowering to do so much of it on my own, and I hope this

totally the song I thought she was talking about!

Nice cock.

(I've been waiting so long to be able to say that in here.)

Chickity China the Chinese chicken


Ok, I'm huge into the Rihanna Rihport. But, can we not do the whole "capitalize every other letter" and "stylishly (?) misspell words" thing? That was irritating.

Fewer words please. My god, tl;dr.

I tried my best but could not read anything. Calm the fuck down.

Leeloo Cyrus Multiflash.

I am 27 and I feel so fucking old because I only know who two of these artists/"artists" are. And yes, always yes, to The Decemberists.

The Decemberists have shared the first song from their new Tucker Martine-produced album, What A Terrible World, What A Beautiful World, which was teased a few weeks ago when lead singer and songwriter Colin Meloy busked on a corner in Williamsburg.

Honestly, Shoshanna is the most underrated character on Girls. This gives me even more reason to love Zosia Mamet.

It worked in this fashion: I've never heard of Aerie before. But I read this post. And then I went to look at their website. And then I discovered that they have tall pj pants. AND NOW I WILL BUY THEM ALL.

So... yes?

Totally! I am mostly done my shopping. And everyone knows that the pudding is better if it sits for weeks on end.

So Christmas starts in early October?

I used to be all about hating Christmas creep. I used to glower at the families browsing those Christmas decorations put out in early fall in lifeless sections of department stores.