I got too much sun today so I'm sticking to water, but in general I agree!
I got too much sun today so I'm sticking to water, but in general I agree!
Hummus "pizza," which is baked pita bread with hummus, arugula, bell peppers and olives... plus beer, of course. It's easy and I'm lazy. Also, it actually IS warm in Seattle, for once—hooray!
Kimchi fried rice! If I ever get off of the computer...
Just ate a chicken quesadilla from the airport Chilis.
hope you all are having a wonderful warm weekend and getting some vitamin D! Chimichurri and flank steak for me tonight, what about you fine folks?
Oh, Harry Shum. I volunteer.
That skirt is a disaster.
So you masturbated to a still photo. Awesome. Welcome to the human race.
I call this look "Cauliflower gone wrong"
Gonna try and sneak into a pool party. Don't think I'm chic enough, but I got swagger. Wish me (and my friend) luck!
I think we just figured out what he and Solange were talking about in the elevator.
Did you say Jerry Gergich? I think you mean Larry Gengurch.
I've never had BV or a yeast infection. The internet has convinced me that this isn't normal.
I like the guys face "whoah bitch, slow your roll, I was just standing on the subway. Chill out with your umbrella skirt."
I wanted to share my good news! Two weeks ago I was asking for good vibes for this job I was hoping to get. They called me the following Tuesday to tell me that I did get it! I started this week (went to the office a couple times while I wrap up things at my old job) and I'm so excited. Also because I was informed…
Heres the part that is weird to me. SHE WENT TO JAIL. That part is kinda glossed over. Went to jail for misusing the 911 system. Unless shes a serial abuser of the system, that seems to be an odd reaction. I would say the usual response to that is someone yelling at her to stop being an idiot. Unless, of course,…
I find it quite telling that Solange and Jay Z got into fisticuffs, and yet all the stories seem to somehow revolve around Beyoncé.
As much as I love the content of Adam Levine's tweet, I don't like his grammatical error. Yup, I went there.