I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.
I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.
*Clinks glasses with you* — well, I'm only having some boring wine, but I salute your bowl and Russians. May you have better days forever. May all perverts hit big potholes when they are not looking. Better yet, may they fall into sinkholes.
Oh also, fuck that creepy guy. "I don't want to be a pervert, but..." is the pervert's version of "I'm not racist, but..."
I know nothing about Chapel Hill, but Atlanta has some incredible restaurants! Their who food scene is pretty spectacular! That's all I got. Good luck though!
Ask questions! Better to look like an idiot and do the job properly than guess and do the job wrong! Congratulations and good luck!
How about Safari on iPhone? Shouldn't have to be changing urls to make a site more mobile friendly!
I'm on my mobile so no pointer for me! 'Filed under' doesn't appear on the main page when using my mobile' just the headline and author. I'm not going to go clicking on every article just to see what it's about.
Let's just be honest. We all wish it was *NSYNC.
Off topic: can we have tags back on posts,please? it's hard to tell (especially on mobiles)from the headline if it's Dirtbag or a short little article or something serious.
Laugh all you want. I still lost my shit when this went down, along with everyone else in the theater.
My first pregnant St. Patty's Day, I was driving home from work at about 5pm. A truck overflowing with drunken bros pulled up next to me at a stoplight. They began "woo!-ing" and crudely gesturing at me. When I didn't respond, they spun their tires, took off at high rate of speed, lost control, jumped a curb, hit a…
Dances were banned in my school district because too many kids were showing up drunk and having sex on the dance floor. This was back when we all had flip-phones.
Does anyone want to put money on how many of these stories will take place in Chicago or Boston?
I was at a bar with my ex girlfriend getting sloshed and I forget how it came up, but we decided to trade shirts in the middle of the bar. Her shirt was this v-neck that was much too small, my gut fully hanging out, and my polo shirt fit her like a shirt she was about to sleep in. She met up with her boyfriend and I…
I just described FRIDAY NIGHT BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pot is going all the way to #1 for the only reasons that matter: Alcohol now gives me a tummy ache and costs more per serving than pot.
There is much truth is this Dirt Bag. Like breakups are sometimes good things and looking like Catherine Deneuve is a great start when growing old. However Kinja sucks and who knows if this will even show up or if I am an approved commentator anymore.