
Am I the only one who noticed the "CRIMME SCENE" tape?! My phone isn't loading the comments, so...

There are few things I enjoy as much as Matt Damon doing his Matthew McConaughey impression. It is truly excellent.

Have you tried the new extreme hot Cheetos? I'm addicted! Also love the spicy Cheetos with lime!

I actually didn't know that until this very moment. Clearly I was not a very attentive child.

Not to be improper or anything, but if you take my funyuns, there's gonna be a fight.

On Funyuns:

As long as hot cheetos are not on this list…I don't give a fuck.

No joke, I'm actually eating a Fruit by the Foot RIGHT NOW. Costco has a giant box of them on sale this month. Edible flypaper? I don't care. It's goddamned delicious.

ohhhhhhh, okay .

I have the unretouched images. I take checks and money orders.

Even if your ring is a few thousand, that still doesn't get you close to a down payment in a lot of places.

Right? I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned that. All the rings I'm looking at are less than $500! Most are under $200. In my mind they're in two drastically different financial worlds!

"I'm not after pussy like I was three years ago..."

Yup...I'd still hit it.

Yeah, mr. lurker takes twice as long in the bathrooms in the mornings than I do. Actually, make that three times longer, because I set my alarm for a full half hour later than his, and I'm usually in and out in ten minutes.

I take five-minute showers when not washing my hair, and something like ten-to-fifteen-minute showers twice a week when I do wash my hair (I have long hair, and it is happiest when I don't wash it more often than that). Other than that, I use the bathroom very speedily. Mr. Chortcake goes to the bathroom, like, all

My boyfriend and I also argue about this. I swear he spends at least 4 hours per day in the bathroom. Redonkulous.

10/10. Would Bangladesh.

Not making a list (fuck the police). I take 10 minute showers that includes all of that stuff. I really hate that cliche, that women take so long in the bathroom. My boyfriend will sit on the toilet for 35 damn minutes reading reddit and I'm the one who gets blamed for hogging the bathroom? Oh hail no.