

Thank you for doing a list of deals for non electronic items, not everyone wants or needs a damn tv.

Toys for the grown ups! 33% off adameve.com with code "StuffIt" at checkout haha.

Resisting cyber Monday is one of the most painful things I've ever had to do.

Yeah, I think even if you were wearing magic shoes made of clouds and rainbows your feet would feel pretty darn tired after cooking for eight hours. I think that's just how life is. Think for a moment, though, of the folks who envy us because their jobs keep them in a chair all day! I'd rather have sore feet than the

I hope you get the job, and I wouldn't worry about them taking the offer back when they find out you're not available to start until 1/2/14. A lot of people travel this time of year, and you'll likely be able to negotiate a start date that works for both of you.

I'm 23! I appreciate the age range here, to see what 'the next stage' is like. I remember reading about college life. and then reading about post-grad life, and here I am.

I am sitting on tenterhooks. We had a meeting Fri morning with the big boss and we have to cut a huuuuuuuuge amount from our budget for next year, which usually means layoffs. And my job is by no means essential. If I can get thru December, I think I will be ok. But I am definitely worried and not handling it at all

TOENAIL BROKE IN HALF TODAY. The big fellow on the left foot. A diagonal break, from top left corner to bottom right corner. I had not broken a toenail in years. When was it? Big pirouette combo? Petite allegro? No. Just one little pique. JUST ONE LITTLE PIQUE!

So old I forgot to put my age which is 59.

I'd keep applying until you get an offer. Hopefully they'll offer you the job and it won't matter, but it's good to keep getting your resume out there.

I'd keep applying. My husband has had several third interviews and not gotten the job.

Man, y'all. It's been tough. I worked a whopping five hours last week and am only working ten this week. Gotta love asking your parents with help paying your bills...

Check out Ross, tj max, and Marshall's! They're all very hit or miss, but the Ross that I frequent always has really nice Columbia and North Face coats for 80ish bucks. I bought a Calvin Klein pea coat there for $60 and I swear, it's the warmest coat I've ever purchased!

Lots of trolls and generally shite people out today, both here and on Gawker. Some of the comments regarding Paul Walker were simply atrocious.

23 in January! Gotta say, I related much more to the 32 version of Taylor Swift's 22. I love cheese, what can I say?

I wanted to thank everybody who responded to me on last week's social. I was injured at work and potentially it could have been fatal. I'm feeling even better now. I've built my arms up to where I can lift my whole body off the bed and to the side to grab a walker. And I'm moving pretty quick with that now. I

What rhymes with Furby?

I LOLed the hardest at that one. It was perfect!