
Cold Gatorade after a run/bike/gym session that is more than 30 minutes in length does wonders for me (or in any case where I'm dehydrated). That said, warm Gatorade is disgusting.

I actually got a little teary reading Prince Charles's statement and realizing that Diana is not here to be grandmama but is watching over all of this.

Nah, he is Scar. He will throw William off a tall building and then tell Baby Cambridge it was all his fault.

Damn, Mr. Wont was right! Looks like I'll be in charge of dinner tonight/looks like we're having pizza to go with that CHAMPAGNE I'LL DEFINITELY BE POPPING.

Cannot co-sign enough. Stop 'Eww!'ing at a real person's body in a completely non-sexualised scenario. He looks great! Do you, Geraldo

Y'all, I'm just going to say it - I'm not a fan of Geraldo in general, but if he's 70 he is looking great, and there's nothing wrong with being proud of your body at any age, or any gender. If that was Helen Mirren posting a bikini photo you'd all be like "Whoo! Go girl!".

Thats a hideous skirt.

I avoid calling mine after about 5.

How's your weekend going? No drunk dialing, I hope. Any salacious tales should be shared here...right now...with every detail!

Have never been a witness and have nothing helpful to add here, but christ almighty you are brave and awesome. I tend to completely freeze during conflict, and the fact that you had the wherewithal to film what was going on, and - most importantly - comfort this woman and allow her to express herself , is so awesome.

Why are there no photos of hot guys in white Ts accompanying this essay? Not. Cool.

Just because....

my brain full of useless trivia is insisting that I mention the fact that Grable was pregnant in that picture, which is why she has her back to the camera.

I like to do my nails while I watch tv/movies. I'm also really into food projects and have been making a lot of jam lately. I also like to go on a hike or walk, yoga, play with my pets.


I'll walk for an hour before the sun gets up. Then I'll pack up and go to the target range and take one or two pistols with me to shoot. Then back home to get cleaned up. Then I head to get a massage (legit). Then to see a new movie. Then lunch at Wendy's. I love their chili. Then home to take a nap.

Read cookbooks. Make something new.

I have a large throbbing pink one (shame!) but it's a rampant rabbit from ages ago (with lots of extra features!) that I love and will not part from! Those so-called 'cutesy' ones are not great(read: awful) to those who know and enjoy vibrators for what there are, and should be. But, if, (BIG if) some women are

I like seeing movies alone every once in awhile. Walking around graveyards (especially old ones). Long walks. Museums. Grocery shopping. Watching Law and Order marathons on Netflix while drinking Pinot Grigio with no pants on. I love alone time :)