
1. Go to a favorite recipe book or food blog and prepare an amazing meal for yourself. 2. I am not one for letting others "groom" me so: soak your feet and give yourself a pedicure.

Then keep it up! But, no drunk dialing.

Masturbate. I'm not 'trying' to be 'shocking' for effect. Genuinely, when your alone, have a bit of time, no shit to think about or to take care of ... OR - better still, YOU DO... B-U-T - think 'I'd like a little time to myself that doesn't involve anything else but me...' I am not talking about using any cutsy

Fashion show! Get a lot of your wardrobe out in front of you and design some new outfits that you can try on without having to worry about time!

I like going for walks, going to a new coffee place, writing, reading, and shopping. If I'm feeling more adventurous, going to museums, movies (finally getting past my hang-ups of going alone) a play, or getting a massage.

I'm a big fan of sleeping :) But I also like to do fun beauty stuff - like randomly dye my hair or try different make up looks when no one is around to judge me. Sometimes I get so bored that I actually clean my house LOL

I spend a lot of time alone so I would say anything you can think of haha. Um but more seriously: museum, mall, dog park (if you have one), botanical gardens, just go for a drive while listening to really good music and get yourself some ice cream. OH!! also, close the blinds (or keep them open if you're an


Shop. Get a manicure. Take a long walk. Take my camera out and photograph weird/interesting/beautiful stuff. Try a new food place that's not sit down, but rather grab-and-go (tea shop, ice cream place, bakery). Draw. Color (yep, like a coloring book!). Go for a bike ride. Visit the cats at Petco. My husband started a

I didn't watch the show, but if she graduated high school in 2009 how is she already a lawyer?


(here's hoping Jessica entertains my pitches, or lets me continue that DIY column I loved so much).

Jenna, you remarkable kiwi...

Good luck, Jenna! I've enjoyed your work!

This is like the nine millionth article I've seen about this. It's been on Jezebel (more than once, right?), Gawker, Slate, Motherlode, HuffPo Parents. Guys. Let it go.

A) no one gives a shit about baby bangs

Wasn't a nearly identical article written recently about baby wigs?

Ah, that does make sense! Good to know, I guess?

I get the point of this article, and I don't disagree that faking orgasms is generally a bad decision, but does the tone need to be so harsh and accusatory? Us ladies already catch a lot of blame/guilt for all the weirdness surrounding sex in this society. Maybe we shouldn't address the mistakes a woman may have

So Beebmom is saying, "Eye'm watching you beat off?"