Jacob Singer

Yeah I kinda went Sabermetric on her,heh. It's just really impressive how intricately detailed the showrunners got.

It does & whoever rates the movie over the show is a senile twit. In 1973 it was a good night out at the movies & a neat little look at transistor bots but today it's MST 3000 material. The best part of the movie was Yul Brynner. His acting choices were pretty cool. He had taken a Cowboy posture——hands on the

Well, killing Theresa did get Bernard reinstated. And she was reprogramming hosts to smuggle data out for Delos. Was there a non-homicidal option? Maybe. But then we don't get the gut punch of her death. I think he would've killed her in the board massacre anyway.

You too? I got AT&T Uverse. Not sure who does the CC for shows.

I had a feeling of dread. But hey, at least Peter Abernathy didn't sit down next to her & explode.

They're calling her Istice on Reddit now.

To be honest, I kind of winced a bit. I really did want to see the "future" of the outside world. But…….I guess Season 2 has her in the park for more of her shenanigans. The outside world as a narrative might be too much to weave into in-park storyline & too much to justify if Maeve's the only one there.

No reason to assume that. The only massacre is the one area where the Delos Board was surrounded. He WARGAMED it on the table in his office. It was a surgically planned hit. The rest of the park is business as usual, or freeze mode at the most.

There's a growing thread on that in Reddit.

I dunno. I think leaving the window of the host replacement open leaves the show with options depending on Hopkins' commitment. A bit convoluted but probably necessary.

Millions died for the freedom of slaves in this country & for the liberty of millions more in Europe & Asia. If you view this as a war for the freedom of a bonafide sentient lifeform, than hitting the Delos Board would be akin to wiping out the leadership of a country that would oppress them.

Wow, cool. Best news all day.

I almost went with Tarantino Twist.

Blade Runner didn't explore in depth how memory could be the foundation of identity by providing an impetus for change & growth. The implanted memories in Blade Runner just gave them an emotional cushion & only a few had them. In 2001 HAL was fully "sentient" or at least Turing-proof, right out of the lab. The only

There's no need to invent any crisis. They can't reproduce. Their challenge is to secure their own bio printers before their lifespan——however long that is——runs out.

He lost one hell of a saved game.

I felt sorry for him for about 30 seconds. Then I got pulled back into Dolores's 30 yr history of heartbreak & trauma. Fuck William & his gamer obsession.

My CC read "mainland". The Narrative Loop was titled something like "Mainland Infiltration". Besides, the show went to great pains to focus on her reaction to the mother & daughter in front of her. Her growing motivation in the moment.

I don't think full sentience happens all at once. I think it's gradual with several degrees of it. Hector & Armistice still haven't demonstrated memory beyond their loops. Well, Hector did get some deja vu with Maeve but it's not enough yet. Rebus most definitely showed a spark when he smiled at the unfolding

The hosts—-including the animals——have the Samaritan response, meant to protect guests. At the most it would've probably laid down right before the border. Besides, his speech didn't mention anything about his dad grieving over his dead son. That would be a bit much & a bit suspicious at that point in time. He