Jacob Singer

No human that has sex on this show is a good person except for Theresa & she's dead. Having sex means you're either gonna die or turn into an asshole. Only robots can have sex & still be good.

Felix made up his mind to see it all the way through a long time ago. Sylvester, despite his bluster, was actually the wishy-washy one. He missed his window.

Never explained in the series, which I think was an oversight. However there's this link right here. it's framed in red:

Felix made a willful decision to break the rules. Sylvester wanted to but lost his opportunity.

No reason to think so. At the very least he looked like an absolute dipshit for ending up that way at the hands of a bunch of robots. I'm thinking he's not exactly looking like executive material to his dad when the authorities pick him up.

There could be an island called the Land of the Last Samurai, where you get to play an alcoholic ex-union officer who's in charge of leading peasants against the samurai. You could choose to be recruited by the samurai themselves & lead a doomed fight against the emperor's army.

I don't think he set him up to die either. Just to look like a guy with really, really bad judgement & poor impulse control. Ending up butt-naked tied to a horse at the hands of some dumb robots doesn't make a guy look like executive material.


The big moment for me was when he said the pain of losing Arnold made him realize he was right the whole time.

They answered the big questions in a most satisfying way while laying down a very subtle indication that Ford's motivations are ONE-HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DEGREES THE OPPOSITE of what they were set up to be. He wants them to be free & escape. But he feels they're not ready to go all the way. He did murder Theresa, but

My take is that the Maze doesn't make a host sentient. It determines if they ARE sentient. She had just been lost in old memories the whole time. When she finally confronted herself at the end I feel like she was ready to start becoming someone that would be free of those loops.

He hadn't seen it in 30 years & probably just gave up on it.

I got curious about Maeve & after digging up some screenshots of her tablet I made this little illustration of her new stats using Paint:

She knew Clementine was decommissioned. There could be further plot development on Sunday but as far as we know that's all she's aware of.

People have raised the possibility that he pointed the muzzle at an angle so he'd still be complying while only grazing his temple. Failing that, we've seen Clementine brought back from a headshot in Dissonance Theory. Tenderloin ( one of Hector's bandits) gets shot clear through his head in ep.1 & brought back.

She's acting out a memory loop on her own. Retracing the steps from 30 yrs ago.
I hope so. I really do.
I dunno but it could end in a bang. ( Is the bomb still in his spine?) Delos really wants the data that Ford won't give them. Toward what end? We'll find out what they want with Arnold's formula for

The sassy sexaroid.

It's kind of subtle but I really think Delos is of two minds: The board members that just want to reap the profits from Westworld and the party that wants the Code & Data for something far beyond the park.

That's why I also watch Ash vs Evil Dead. It's my Yang to Westworld's Ying. Or maybe it's the other way around..

We've never seen a burned-up or mangled host put in analysis before. So far they've been fully healthy & repaired by the time they reach that stage. I think SOP is to fix their bodies first, then adjust their brains/minds. ( Unless they're like the woodcutter with like 90% of their brains gone ) On top of that,