Jacob Singer

Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving, too. :)

"Doesn't look like anything to me" would've sufficed.
I gotta talk to Q&A about your script.

Lawrence is a sneaky little guy. Even the showrunners can't keep track of him.

Hahaha, another holdout I see. I don't really feel strongly either way. I mean, okay if Ridley Scott SAYS he's a replicant than I guess he is.

Teddy Flood is a knockoff of Vinny Barbarino.

Quite a few issues. There must've been large amounts of cocaine present when they cooked up this movie.

That would mean the Engineers are 5 billion yrs old & haven't evolved in all that time. What a bunch of lame weirdos. They should've just cut that whole DNA scene out of the movie. Problem solved. I was okay with al the other flaws because you can explain away quirky characters & just say the opening sequence was

Maybe seeing themselves in the 3rd person is the beginning of abstract thought, or storytelling?

I found a nice little easter egg & piece of foreshadowing:

I LOVED Prometheus right up until the point where they concluded that the engineers created us out of their own DNA & that we're 99% identical. Then the whole premise just collapsed like a house of cards. Our DNA contains a FUCK TON of earlier life from this planet. It doesn't make a lick of sense for the

BE kind of has an inherent advantage in keeping our interest because it's a gangster show. We're all wondering if someone's gonna get whacked in the next 5 minutes.

Old Clementine kind of grew on me. I love her eyes. But if we started with new Clem I might feel different.

If the hosts' memories are as crystal clear as anything in the present, then to Dolores, her memories would look like they're happening right now. One of the reasons for erasing their memories ( besides narrative reasons ) is to make sure they don't get lost in them. It's starting to look like Dolores can't tell

Check for any Styrofoam boulders laying around.

1973 Westworld is cheeseball camp. It was fun but I can't imagine 10 episodes of something like that. No wait, there was The 6 Million Dollar Man. I loved that show when I was like 9 yrs old. But today? Man, I couldn't even sit through 30 minutes of it. Did not age well at all. I dunno, maybe if I was stoned it

Yep. Dude really wants to live in Westworld. And die in it, probably.

Because maybe after their early time together they reset her as a docile farmgirl & she's been that way for 30 years.

I have a hunch about the Maze:

They do have cameras but no one reviews footage unless a host or co-worker gets flagged. It's the same as in real life. No one reviews surveillance cam footage unless there's a crime.