
Nope. We need someone to physically keep him from The Button, but other than that, no one is going to actually influence him, and it is better that they all abandon ship.

Grab 'em by the port.

Many people thought the robots there were revolting already.

So robots are actually losing their jobs to people.

Yep, without the protests, their websites wouldn't have been taken offline, they could still use electronic payment services, and their members wouldn't have been publicly outed. Ironic schadenfreude is the sweetest.

That's "run over you" instead of "run you over". Turns out word order matters.

There are already several Vikings shows. Seriously, do we need a Viking comedy?

So this is Elysium?

"Nice story, Jane, now go make me a sandwich."

There is no need at all to remake Rocky and Bullwinkle, and I don't trust anyone today to do it right.

They were put up through "proper channels", and are maintained there through "proper channels".

That puts you ahead of most AV Club commenters.

Turns out, we didn't.

I think we can now put "Sweet Home Alabama" on that list as well.

Well, it was "the Land of Cotton" because of slave labour.

Irish you'd scotch that impulse.

Excellent suggestion — Fuller handles the surreal and disturbing incredibly well, and has a great visual sense. Sure, I'd watch a Fuller Sandman.

Is she also manic and dreamy?

That's why you have to refer to him as RAdio Detection And Ranging O'Reilly.

It really should only be done by a mohel.