
The editing and sound is right, but for a true parody of Primitive Technology, it has to have the largely immobile camera (since it’s shot by one person).

This was such a tremendous book, but it is largely atmosphere. It will be a challenge to translate to screen, although the trailer suggests Garland knows what he’s doing.

Is this still a thing? I didn’t think this was a thing anymore. Is it really still a thing?

Is this still a thing? I didn’t think this was a thing anymore. Is it really still a thing?

"Gross Gary was so gross that he smelled like BLANK."

How about he goes to jail for it as well?

Well, there is a dark side, so presumably he's not a fan.

Fuzzy Hillary
Blurry Marco
Hazy Ted

Oh sure, like he'd actually pay them.

Props for the Archer reference. (You were making an Archer reference, right? It's so hard to keep track these days.)

Next up, the Flavor Aid!

Is everyone leaving America too?

His incipient blindness is to distract us from Russia.

I really don't think that Trump and his team are big on melanin.

So I'm torn between "I hear the whistling", or a lame GoT reference.

Oh hell, am I a Cylon?

How screwed up is Kinja that it doesn't have that already?


Or perhaps you can enable it, and then whenever you feel at risk, you can invoke this new feature. That seems better to me.

I like the notion of setting up fake feeds for CNN and Fox, and have him live Truman Show-style.

There is literally no bullshit that evangelicals won't try to justify.