I wouldn’t take this as an example of the entire line. Just like the C7 Z06 overheating and engine failures shouldn’t reflect on the entire Corvette line.
I wouldn’t take this as an example of the entire line. Just like the C7 Z06 overheating and engine failures shouldn’t reflect on the entire Corvette line.
So, they just shot off its power and it coasted down to a stop.
Haha, Right? I figured as a previous owner, I might as well play in to it.
An essential tool pairing: 60Gal Air compressor and pneumatic impact tools. You have no business thinking you can “wrench” on vehicles without the proper tooling.
Bingo, we don’t know what happened off camera. For all we know his tire pressure was 1.5 psig low and he could have jumped a curb.
Automotive Nirvana: AKA butt-hole clenching session as I try to keep my new car out of the guardrail and off youtube.
You should replace American (in reference to cars) and replace with BMW. Then you’ve hit the nail on the head.
This pleases me. I’ve been using the beta since it went live, and I can confirm the terminal bug is fixed. (980ti, unlocked framerate)
They’re still working on it. ETA next week.
You’re not missing much. The patch notes are like five lines:
Well dang.
Could be, but if it has a replaced OEM motor, this would be a god send. I believe BMW added additional warranty protection to the motor in this case.
Price seems too good for the mileage. Only problem is see is the Silverstone color =P
The original Command and Conquer was the very first computer game I bought!