TulsaMtnBiker (OkieRising)

Patagonia MLC (Maximum Legal Carryon)

Patagonia MLC (Maximum Legal Carryon)

Lift oversteer? Should he have powered on and added a dash of oppo?

Yep, that's basically what it boils to. There are other things you can do to improve the conditions of a lease, such as multiple security deposits and forcefully negotiating the money factor. However, if you secure a loan with an interest rate under 3%, it's usually better to finance.



Not sure if youre saying I'm naive or deceptive, but here this as a test case.

In the event you go over on mileage, you can avoid the penalties buy purchasing the car instead of turning it in.

Not always the case, you have the option to purchase a car at the end of the lease for a predetermined amount. If the market is favorable you can then sell the purchased car and pocket any profit.

With leasing, you pay to rent the car. With financing, you pay to rent the money.



Now that's purdy.

This. I must have it.

Ah Eau Rouge. If you ever get the chance to race Spa, do so. The first time I went up Eau Rouge, it was both terrifying and exhilarating.

Hrmmmm. Well that was nicer than expected.

In fact it was his scrotum filled with bowling ball sized spheres of titanium than in fact stopped that evo.

Older CB400s are excellent for this as well. The CB750 can feel big comparatively.

Automotive related: Completing my CB750 rebuild and firing the engine this weekend as well!

But that M5 was an expensive, rare, luxury car. Only now is there a blue collar sedan that will break 200.

Edit: Just saw the statement about the M5. If the production volume is higher, which I am doubtful of, I'll sniff my dirty underwear.