Tullyseth Brundlemox

Nah - Stanley Tucci was her dad in Easy A, but yeah, similar easygoing dad character that both could play in their sleep.

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She's also a Satanist who's into Software Engineers

The Sasheer Zamata run on SNL would make a great chapter in the oral history of the show. I have no idea how a funny and attractive actress can literally have nothing to do on a show for two years - perhaps the other writers felt she was being foisted on them and never developed a rapport, or the show isn't her style,

I think people forget that Soul Man was a movie about a white guy who couldn't get into Harvard Law so he took pills to darken his skin and get in as an African-American. Subsequently, he encounters the racist stereotypes and attitudes that he took for granted and also realizes he stole a scholarship from Rae-Dawn

I saw every episode of the first 4 seasons, and I tried to fight through the last couple, missing a few and not caring enough to catch up on what I missed. This season, I decided to give it another try, and I like the first 4 or 5 episodes enough to think that perhaps it was getting its mojo back. But after the new

I had a similar experience looking for a job in the San Fernando Valley in the early 90s. AppleOne (temp agency) sent me for a file clerk gig at a court reporting agency called Atkinson-Baker. To say it was the weirdest interview of my life would be an understatement - it lasted all day, I took multiple IQ style

That would be 'Mazes and Monsters', based on the Rona Jaffee novel. Also starring: Christopher "My Bodyguard/Meatballs" Makepeace and Wendy "I Play A Lot of Stern Professional Women on TV" Crewson.

That depressed the living hell out of me as I realized that both Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks are dead. Damn, they were talented. :(

Jimmy Fallon butchered sketches throughout his run on SNL, and he only landed The Tonight Show out of it. Some people, like Jones and Fallon, seem to struggle with the last minute cue card changes.

He is pure evil, albeit with a code. And with the boys - he introduces greed into the equation when they came to him with altruism. He leaves them as they quarrel over the money. Think about it - nasty business, his final scene.

Would that there twere!

That's even harder to watch knowing he experienced a worse loss of his real wife soon after that film.

I want to befriend Emma Thompson so that on the chance I pass away before her, she could write something even remotely as lovely as that for me. Such a wonderful tribute to a wonderful performer, and obviously, a dear friend.

It's a shame they cut the subplot about the lesbian headmaster and her dying lover - that deleted subplot alone could have elevated the theatrical version. It's a very sad little story and features the always awesome Frances De La Tour.

Rickman's character wouldn't be the first middle aged guy with his head on straight, in a solid family life, who was undone by the attention of an interloper. The bruised ego of a man, whose spouse has moved her primary focus from their relationship to raising their kids and having her own needs outside of him, is a

Now we just need to return Incredible Universe to its former glory, and the 1990s retro retail wars can begin!

Oh man - love this movie, but did Yosemite finance it? People rarely mention that brutal love story segment with the odd Oedipal element, highlighted by the time sucking romantic excursion to Yosemite. Also, I wondered why Robert Francis never did much else (even though his bland performance might have been an

My friend used to leave HBO on at night because he knew that on some point a Real Sex episode would come on, his wife would wake up and secretly watch it, and then take out her 'frustrations' on him. HBO needs a channel devoted to their late night sordid programming from the 80s/90s - round the clock Taxicab

I think the magical negro reference is off base here and borders on lazy racism. Dick Halloran is a friendly person with 'the shine' who serves to introduce Danny to his gifts but who is far from the characters who inspired that term.