Tullyseth Brundlemox

Wow - talk about projecting. If you think that's vitriol, you don't have a clue, amigo. I spent time in drug and alcohol courses with people like you. You're not the bad one - just the ones who get in accidents, right? You got unlucky - you got fucked over - you got screwed over by the system. You weren't drunk,

She and Eddie were from Ireland, on their way to S. America on their honeymoon, when they stopped over at Atlanta during the start of the 'zombie holocaust'. It was a nice way to allow her to act using her real accent, even though she was this filthy, crazed woman who looked like a zombie when Rick Grimes met her.

Don't forget our favorite Irish walker, stuck in the woods with Eddie's head. She was hauntingly awesome in a very small role.

It didn't take though, which forced me to be a bad, bad Sith. That rotten bit of behavior was one of the things I had a hard time shaking.

It's obvious Tuco is more rational here because if this was the Breaking Bad era, that guy's head turns to mush.

He was pretty good on the show until the episode where *SPOILER* Ros had her fateful encounter with Joffrey. The speech to Varys, when he finally went Full Littlefinger, seems to be the point at which he became an all-out mustache twirling psycho, and the performance has become more and more one-note ever since, to

Wow - seriously? As someone who also nearly killed someone in a DUI accident, let me tell you - there will never be enough lectures to remind you how fucking lucky you got. I am thankful every day that my one and only DUI only cost me $40K and a shitload of self-esteem - the alternatives are horrifying to even fathom.

KOTOR was the one game where I role-played an evil character from beginning to end. Regardless of the game play flaws, the dark and brutal finish to that route actually haunted me for a while - if you want to go dark, you've got to do some stuff that is incredibly awful. I don't think I could do it again.

My wife is a career counselor at a university, and these kinds of encounters happen all the time. Perhaps it was a bit forced and cinematic, but it was definitely her favorite scene in the movie. From this Mexican's perspective, having grown up in Los Angeles, there were times when my circle of friends was lily white

I won the over/under for the Aristocrat comment which was set at 5 comment. Very good! Glad to know Joe's up in heaven sitting on his couch for little people!

Well, she did write the 'Speed' sketch from Season 1 but man, she sounds like a colossal pain in the ass. Never knew about her messing with Elvis - what an a-hole.

Insanely hard school to get into, especially the Art School. The actors are a bit pretentious, though - my acting prof was so into being an avant garde CalArts grad and constantly name dropped ("I'm a FODC (friend of Don Cheadle)"). Plus he hated Sideways, so screw him.

Probably more like lack of drug use. Place was insane - I grew up in Santa Clarita, the city where CalArts is located, and I met this female telemarketer who was a dance student there. She invited me to her show, so two buddies and I went but couldn't find the theater. These three super high dudes are coming down a


I had a complete collection of TV Guides that spanned from the early 70s to the mid-90s - sigh - wish they didn't go bye-bye.

My favorite L&S anachronism was an LA-based episode where Laverne is dating an astronomer who had posters of Jupiter and Saturn taken by Voyager 1 and 2. You know - in the late 70s!

I always wondered if the reason they killed him off in STIII was that someone had outed him between Wrath of Khan and that one. It seemed like a lost opportunity at the time, but it's always possible that was always the plan for his character.

The movie was decent but yeah, hard to really enjoy knowing what happened out at Indian Dunes. My brothers used to ride out there, and I swear, every time we left that place, there was a fatality on the 126. I'd like to think of Vic Morrow as Vic Morrow and not just as the guy who spawned Stacy Hamilton. He was a good

I'd kind of like it if that still pic of Kirk and the other guy was from a remake of the opener to Twilight Zone: The Movie - "Do you wanna see something really scary?!?" Kirk saves Christmas by going on a murderous rampage, hitchhiking across the country, slaughtering the heathens who want to destroy Christ's