
Kotaku readers will tell you that anything with “E” and “A” involved is typically bad for you.

After 3 weeks, Melvin Gordon tired of being a Sans Dinero Charger.

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

I have unfortunately been kicked out of Triple Rock in Berkeley for this very offense because someone saw.

Asking this as someone who’s been a basketball fan for pretty much my entire life.

Chriss cross because he can’t jump jump.

While I agree that people moving to a country should adapt to the local customs and culture, this is just ridiculous. You cannot expect every tourist who might be there for just a couple of days, on a business trip or something, to learn the loooong list of quirks and neuroses the Japanese have and are very particular

You would have gotten more stars if more people got the joke. Well played.

U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.

Man shut the fuck up

No need to go full Drew. Just try writing coherently.


That 4th quarter definitely made it clear it was a Barnes burner.

Antman was in all the scenes.

This sucks, so, so much.

Wake up in the morning feelin' like Rick Stanzi,