


I think it’s Kinja. I was demoted from the grays to the invisibles for about 4 months, now my dashboard shows nothing earlier than March 20. Altho my feed still seems complete. Go figure.

I checked the tags! Well, one of them anyway...

Oh man, we had one of those. I think his mother washed his gym t-shirt once a year - “whether it needed it or not.”

Memo to self: Quit making idiot comments. (And I was once proud of my geography knowledge)

When Grantland still had comments, Fennessey was one of the rare bloggers who would actually engage with the commenters. So you might as well rag on him because Deadspin would never hire someone with such a bad habit (I know, you SOMETIMES chime in down here. Sometimes.).

She was just a kid at the time!

Oh gawd, Atlanta is one big suburb. One big, traffic-locked suburb.

It’s eerie, isn’t it?

Underrated Kinja

While making jazz hands, I presume.

Good articles, both of them. You won’t see this comment because the fix is in on me here on Deadspin for some reason. I’ve been demoted from Gray to Invisible, LOL.

Bill Raftery - Wikipedia

His trademark quotes are “Onions!” (whenever a shot is made late in a close game)...

Fascinating as usual, Mr. Farrell. I’ve read all your Deadspin pieces over the years. Sometimes they make me feel angry or even queasy (about the corruption), but they’re always a great read nonetheless.

I’ve apparently been relegated here from The Grays to Invisible, but +about 10 anyway. Thanx 4 the laugh. Too bad you’ll never see this......

Marge was of course preceded in cartoons by the famous virgin Olive Oyl.

You may not see this because Deadspin has apparently dropped me from the grays to invisible. But this was an interesting article:

Yep, I have a poop knife. I tell myself, “It’s time to cut the shit”