Now I’m disturbed. And scared.
Now I’m disturbed. And scared.
Cats. Cats would work too (I forget, Albert, do you hate cats? I sort of remember that you do. Maybe not tho). Anyway, fun post!
True fact!
Underated comment!
“Get in mah belly!”
The Dong Also Rises.
Well, he’s a Cranky Messiah, so what do you expect?
And Sully never whispers his takes...
Hey, Malcolm Butler is my favorite Patriots player since Troy Brown! So you can take your Gilmore crap and ... be right?
One of the dirty little secrets of Brady’s success it that the Patriots receivers are really, really good at getting open.
I honestly thought Philly’s day was over when the score got to 33-32. Impressive performance.
Mr. Torsloke, I have a small request. I’ve apparently turned from Gray to Invisible on Deadspin. No notifications since December 14. And no, I’m not the greatest commenter, but I still sometimes get noticed on Splinter and Jalopnik, where I rarely visit. But Deadspin: nothing.
So if you would like to participate in an…
Does South Korea curl Gangneung Style?
+1 Codependent Bond
If Grunfeld is so bad how did the Wizards end up with John Wall?
I’m impressed! I thought, “Where is there room for a funny reply to this?” Then I scrolled down...
OMG, aren’t they walking in the direction of Jezebel City? NO! Turn around before it’s too late!
I liked it better when it was illegal to drink it. Used to go after dark to this very scary park and score one or two of the old short cans. Now the excitement is gone.
My thought was, “Hey, the clock’s at 0:00. Do a Kylo Ren on that helmet if you want, the refs can’t say anything because the game is over.”