Now everybody who reads these comments has the same uncomfortable realization. Thanks a lot.
Now everybody who reads these comments has the same uncomfortable realization. Thanks a lot.
It’s interesting how everybody’s different. I knew a great microchip designer who was an every night (and sometimes lunchtime) smoker. I on the other hand eventually learned that ganga was a great vacation - twice a year. The rest of the time I just said no.
“That’s the stupidest question ...” I still miss Parcell’s post games, 20 years later.
Name checks out.
“...some dork named Jeff” - You leave Jeff Fisher alone! He hasn’t got anything else to do these days.
And it ends up packed twice as dense as the original snowfall. And don’t forget the bowling ball sized pieces of pure ice that are embedded in it. Fun!
To me, “corpus delicti” always sounds like it should apply specifically to Hannibal Lecter: “Yummm, so delicti!”
She’s maybe a but too Napoleonic.
This is def one of the weirdest lawsuits I ever heard of. Beyond frivolous.
TIL (the hard way) you can edit Hotel Kinja but you can never leave.
I had to suffer thru him being coach of the Celtics for 4 years in the late ‘90s. He is ... a strange man.
deleted for redundancy
Every minute he stays in the NBA will buy a lot of empty bottles. Jim Tomsula now has a guaranteed source of income when he’s not coaching again.
I started chuckling before I even got to the second sentence of your comment. I knew where you were heading!
Ha, GREAT idea for LiAngelo to return to China!
I wish one of your three recommended stories had been this one. Seems to be the likeliest harbinger of the Marlins’ future:
I read this far. I’ll stop here because it’s getting repetitous at this point. But good job, thank you.
I’ve changed on this. I used to be in the “Not a dime’s worth of difference” crowd, but the past year has convinced me there is something truly evil, cowardly, and power-mad infecting the Republican leadership these days.
IIRC, 3 pro bowlers on the Pats offensive line in 2007 - and those Giants made them look like tissue paper.