
I think he’s probably the GOAT. But oddly, I’d still take Montana in a game my life depended on.

Pushrod Taylor - isn’t he the quarterback for the Bills?

Cool! I also have a 93 Sable. Very nice car but it has more problems than I think an auto with only 53,000 miles on it should have. I also had a high end 80s-something Buick for a short time, and you aren’t kidding about the 12 miles per gallon. Sheesh.

To me they always seemed like a very hypocritical college sports program - long before we figured out they all are hypocritical.

I’m sensing a trend in your comments...

The song was pretty good, the voice ... not so much.

You’re probably right and he probably won’t give a damn.

Freaky Monday

I do this because I keep forgetting my couch is up against a wall. I get a concussion, then I keep forgetting my couch is up against a wall. Then I get a concussion ...

+1 “Playoffs?”

“I threw him out of the club” - pretty sure he got a penalty for that!

I was a hometown fan of the Suns during there stretch of 50+ win seasons in the ‘80s-’90s. This hurts to watch.

Maybe too much “Jim” beam.

Oh NO! I didn’t even notice I was using it, honest! I blame my upbringing. Or society. That’s right, SOCIETY!!1!!!11!

Ah, very good! I was trying to think of a 7-11 pun.

Probably a good choice. But the way things are going with the PC Police, you may ultimately end up limited to “a” “and” & “the,” if those.

That would be my first strategy too. But look at how those footballs are acting like knuckleballs. And in only 5 yards.

Maybe it’s because when Bortles is bad, he’s REALLY bad?

Oh, yeah? Well, that sucker would still be looking at me if he didn’t live 3000 miles away.

But Pacino totally sucked in Lady Bird. It’s like he didn’t bother to show up at all.