Mudder One: Premeditated.
Mudder One: Premeditated.
+1 Hinkie
Missing “Hit by a car”
Lance Strongarm.
“In the criminal justice system ...” DUM DUM
Back in the ‘60s I peaked inside my toilet - swirling wasn’t the half of it!
My dad uses the fax machine. None of this spooky e-stuff.
That was my first thought, altho the whole “I’m gonna run, I’m gonna run, I’m gonna punt, BIG GUY TO MY RIGHT” routine makes me wonder just what the hell the play call was.
My Facebook friends (I have both lib & con) followed this advice pretty well most of the day. But along about 9PM my timeline started blowing up with a string of the usual outraged posts. I guess the tryptophan wore off?
I actually zoomed in on that board. Gawd, I’m glad I don’t watch Fox News.
I actually hope he gets his all-owners secret ballot on Goodell’s contract. Would love to see a 31-1 “We’re tired of your shit, Jerry” vote.
He’s the Shield’s Shield.
There is now.
You’ve apparently never owned Fords. The connecting joints deteriorate before the tyrod ever gets a chance to break.
Anybody who does immediately goes blind, so we’ll never know.
Asking for a friend?
HA, I love the opening GIF to that post!
I find myself continually apologizing for my fellow vegans. Next time remind her that Hitler was a vegetarian. As for the Harvard thing, I have no answer.