Tulips the Tipper

because gawker is too cheap to hire an editor. hogan will put them out of their misery soon

Obama is the ground zero of selfie-politicians, and has been for years. And the Mr. Cool Guy media has fawned over it. Now that it’s passé...don’t use his photo as the example. It’s absurd.

Yup.... and especially like how Hillary is the “perfect selfie candidate.” And look how great Bernie Sanders looks in his selfie! Like, they didn’t even try to find a Sanders selfie... nay... they did, and they were all horrible too, so the posted this one “to be funny.”

No doubt that many Gawker Media readers cannot see through their ideological glasses and recognize a great legal mind. I didn’t agree with many of Scalia’s opinions but he was as consistent as any SC justice. I hope those dancing on his grave will remember this when their beloved RBG dies and the conservatives start

Gotta feel for the guy. He may have been something, if idiotic coaching hadn’t destroyed him.

As I said, all criticisms of Trump will now be properly sourced. I would hate for anyone to think I don’t know my stuff or, heaven forbid, that they should have to read something as close to hand as a wikipedia article.

Can I use this post when the inevitable “Bush should die” posts pop up on Gawker?

They weren’t notified of the recall? Plus, aren’t the placebos a different color?