Tulips the Tipper

Ted Kennedy left a girl to drown and he was forgiven so there is precedence for this.

Per my post below... could the mybook serve the same low level NAS requirements I have?

Per my post below... could the mybook serve the same low level NAS requirements I have?

If I want to serve music and video on my network (as well as various other files) but am not concerned about access from the internet, is there any reason to buy the my cloud instead of my book? My router has a usb port and has a dnla interface so cant I just plug the mybook in and accomplish my purpose as a NAS?

If I want to serve music and video on my network (as well as various other files) but am not concerned about access

If even one more Marine has to die so that women who really want to serve in combat units can do so, its worth it, amiwright?

Tomsula cut a fart and walked back home

I came here expecting to read about Kirk Cousins having an erection that somehow caused him to commit an error. Am I wrong to be disappointed?

Doesn’t Hillary fit that role better? She has expierance in erasing public records. In fact she makes Nixon look like a damn piker by comparison.

I hope they found a safe space to retreat from the microagression

Oh no ..... please don’t kick us out of the UN!

Shouldn’t have led with the helmet but his assignment is to neutralize the db. If that play had cut back to the middle, the DB would have been in position to make a play.

This never gets to trial. Family refused to allow school to fully discuss event and they want everyone to believe they can withstand the discovery process? If I’m the school district, I dangle a settlement tied to consent to release all facts and reports.

Ill just take that as a long winded yes.

Apparently, it is not yours. I was responding to a strawman

Oh I get it! This is the part where you blow your top, curse and try to end discussion. Well played.... well played.

Well they are here to tell their story but thier sibling isnt. That saddens me

Tell us more about how or why miscarriages would be illegal

Probably wouldn’t have made it out of first trimester. Be happy with the one you have, the one who didnt try to snuff you out

She has to want me first. And to have that want be unconditional as to whatever construct she can think up

Glad she wasn’t my mother!

We can’t discount the possibility that Odem is simply trying to wait the Kardashians out.