Terri Schiavo is sick of your shit

“eh, you gonna go down and get him?” “No way.”

Pittsburgher here: He could have been wearing a replica Hines Ward jersey bought at Kohl’s 16 years ago.

He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.

This is so on point it’s amazing.

The biggest hurdle for the Genesis brand is the sales atmosphere at Hyundai shops. I speak from experience, so hear me out.


That’s literally the dumbest question i’ve seen here

Here’s a real one:

Not with that attitude it isn’t.

As an independent construction contractor that uses my truck like a truck every day I, for one, would welcome that you shut your stupid mouth.

3rd: So how exactly does a parent remember to dress a child before leaving the house, yet forgets the child is in the back seat prior to leaving the vehicle?

wow. I don’t allow food or drink in mine, and here you are allowing for food, drink and then food and drink again after they’ve been “processed”

I owned this... 1996 pile of Chrysler sadness.

I’ve only ever eaten shit sandwiches, so don’t tell me they taste awful because that’s just not true.

If you have owned nothing but Chrysler products than you don’t really have a basis for comparison.

I always tell people, do not come to me with a problem unless you have a solution. So what would your 1st Gear be?

Am I the only one shocked that the dashboard in that thing is from an upmarket brand in 2013?

You should change your username to “nobody, ever.”

It’s the new black.

It’s tempting to hang on to old memes and old presidents, but it’s time to wake up and smell the Cheetos.