Terri Schiavo is sick of your shit

Hyundai: coming out of nowhere and exceeding expectations since about 2007

You were looking directly at Hugo Weaving and didn’t realize it. All hope in Jalopnik is lost.

Holy fuck that’s just awful


Have you done a risk analysis to compare the chances of you broadsiding a truck that ran the light vs. the odds that a disgruntled road rager opens fire when you slow for the green?

Testicles, spectacles, wallet and watch.

I caught this one taking a leak on a forklift.

The Leaning Tower of Power™.

They forgot the NAS

Super Commando:

That’s only a 1JZ in your picture


Right, because those brands are what they can afford.

I love how they put a VW on the box.

I don’t like seeing your face so I’m going to carve it off of you.

it’s generally a bad thing to commit violence when you don’t get what you want.

You know what would help bring jobs back to the US,s top giving tax breaks and incentives to companies to move over seas. Do the opposite, tax them so that they are paying the same no matter where they operate, if they have workers overseas making $1 an hour and here they would have to pay $15 and hour, tax them the

Why would you think I’m butthurt?

Pretty sure that was sarcasm (and making fun of cops, not you by the way).