I miss my 2002 4runner. Great vehicle. And it was purple. Purple!
I miss my 2002 4runner. Great vehicle. And it was purple. Purple!
Yes, they are keeping this site alive!
No need for the article. Saturn.... 8k..... CP
Was this a bursting into flames joke? Hot damn that was good.
Hahahahaha thank you for the laugh. Literally above you lolol have your star!
Sounds like you’re down to die. My kind of person.
So true. Talk about coasting. I guess more like engine braking . More like engine braking from 70 mph and dropping into 1st. More like engine braking into a wall.
It’s nauseating. Does that help?
What about both? I’m questioning my economic standing now....
Who has the balls to take an alfa down there?
Westbrook sucks, and isn’t even old enough to have license.
This is the right answer. Add Tesla in a few years. Nothing worse than people being snobs because “they’re saving the planet.” Throw in wealth, and we have a new generation of ass hats. Be patient BMW owners, the tide will shift.
Very ugly, but good idea. I would never consider a truck living in Atlanta, but this seems like a good option size-wise. With the huge uptick in being outdoors, but living an urban life with my generation, this could really sell.
Thankyou! I’ve been complaining that the crazy levels people go through just to show trump is wrong is actually hurting their argument! Shove shit down people’s throats and they resist. If he’s really that bad (not saying one way or the other) then state the facts and we will see that ourselves; you don’t need to…
Drive the same car and couldn’t agree more. So much fun, very fast, and lots of smiles. Great, great car. Only part I had to fix was the noise (outside of a tune of course). Borla took care of that for me :)
Was going to comment this. Forget the z4. Bring back the 8. That was a beautiful machine. I think this looks okay, but give it more length and the proportions will look right to me. But we’ll see how it looks when more photos are released.
No, compound interest increases as the increments are smaller. If you were charged interest annually on your mortgage, you’d pay less in interest.
Motivated people probably do... But not possible for car people.
Of course it’s hard. But we can dream!