Lil Tuffy

Suicide Grills

Is this your first day on the internet?

so extra.

or 13 seasons of “they’re off the crab. they’re on the crab.”

but is she “fiercely independent?”

I am one of those people that hates the dentist and never goes until forced. Last visit, they seemed downright terrified when I said I hadn’t seen a dentist in over 10 years. There was lots of hand-wringing and shaking of heads. After the cleaning, the dentist took a quick look inside and declared, “you grew up in


But this also incredibly diminishes the life of your fabric. The pressure wash destroys fibers and weakens the weave so don’t be shocked when your knees and crotch blow out a week later.

I guess Pence is the only “personality” left. Crawford seems like an ok dude but the rest of the team seems to be about as exciting as plywood.

Holy shit, Jay! What is that fucking thing, bro? Jay, what the fuck is that thing. We ain’t never seen shit like this, kid.

Can you find a thread that isn’t a “Fuck Uber” thread?

The East Coast of Lake Erie?

Pachoulia with 17 pts. LOL

I had sex on Monday. Inappropriate drunken grief sex as our mutual best friend fought for her life in the ICU. But I’m probably a statical outlier.

If you love him so much why don’t you marry him!

Take a hunting class and all of your problems will melt away.

Just out of curiosity, do you guys get to spam Compete with these stories or is it just us that has to scroll past all of those stupid video game stories?

PLEASE! This is worse than that stupid 500 Days of whatever her name was.

Whoa! You go to at least one festival a year? Watch out!

Maybe publishing a high school girl’s twitter account is not the coolest thing? I dunno.