Ron Burgundy

Randomness has nothing to do with it. What matters is that the probability of the event occurring is not zero. Given that there is any probability (no matter how small) and infinite time, it will happen. Anything that can happen will happen, if there is no restriction on time. You don't understand the concept of

But after 12 payments you've paid for more than half the unsubsidized cost of the phone and then you give it back to them to resell at a next to new price or use as a replacement. So they basically get the same high-priced, based-on-subsidizing contract rate out of you, but the phone is actually paid for by you or

Surprise, surprise. Jesus doesn't like it = stupidity.

And double hammocks are meant to be used completely opposite direction that you would assume.

As they have stated, they are not gathering specific content on 99.999 percent of people. They are mostly analyzing connections. Those connections do not make sense unless they are tied to someone/something that they have previously flagged as suspicious.

Too bad what you count it as has absolutely nothing to do with actual law. Coincidentally, when congress votes on laws, that is actual law. If you have a problem with it, that's fine. If you want to fight it, that's OK. You have the right to feel that it should be against the law if you want to. Unfortunately, what

You have to acknowledge, though, that we live on a very small planet. A planet with limited resources that is evolving at a rapid pace. Not all rights that we have had throughout history will be indefinitely applicable. They cant be. Laws, regulations, etc will have to change and evolve to conform to the current state

Put down the crack pipe...

You've completely changed the subject.

And it would be ridiculous to complain that they are legal...

The point is that the basis of the amendment and the reasons behind PRISM are not directly related. Regardless, can you name someone that has suffered any king of abuse by the patriot act? Anyone who's lives are now changed or threatened?

Forgive him, he must not have realized that your opinion is superior and the only one that matters.

The difference I see is this:

I don't believe your scenarios or ones like them are very likely without a complete change of government and control. They just aren't going to happen. And the chance of being wrongly accused is pretty slim in my mind. You might be questioned or investigated some, but nothing serious is going to happen to you. We are

Do you have a better solution? I get so sick of people like you complaining about things like security checkpoints, etc. Most of you are the same people that complain that there isn't enough being done to protect us when something happens.

He put draw on ball pretty frequently at The Players.

+1, as far as I have ever assumed, is more of a quick way to imply "I agree"

Yes, some of thees items are a little ridiculous. But some of them are very common and incredibly useful. Nice try though.

Again, you are dead wrong. And extremely ignorant. The purpose of almost ANY business (and definitely Apple) is to acquire AND RETAIN customers. That is why they spend millions on advertising. That is why they add features that people demand. They need and want every customer they can get, and they care about every

Better off smoking before you sear or marinade