Just said this elsewhere. WTF is with shoving the indicator in the bumper instead of anywhere remotely near where every driver on the planet is used to looking?
Just said this elsewhere. WTF is with shoving the indicator in the bumper instead of anywhere remotely near where every driver on the planet is used to looking?
This is still infinitely better than the shitty Kia or whatever SUVs that have the turn indicators shoved in the bumper nowhere near the actual light cluster where every driver on the planet is trained to look.
If anything, I think Bolton would be even MORE pissed off that he missed out on fucking with Iran. It’s like always proposing a certain lunch spot with your coworkers and getting shot down, then seeing them there a couple weeks after you’re fired.
Almost as good as OJ’s “If I did it”
Uh, yeah, except your “correct” reading is still fucking ridiculous.
Diverting public money into private hands seems to be the only plank
leftin the GOPs policy.
There’s no crime in accidentally tripping and spilling a hot coffee on someone, just so you know.
Thanks! This was organized by our local chapter of NOW (https://now.org/) which we follow on Facebook. It helps that a couple of our friends are very active members, so we usually hear about events well in advance.
My partner and I (and Artemis, pictured below) braved a bit of a snow squall to go to our area’s march (that turned into more of a rally since nobody wanted to start ‘marching’ in snow). There were some good local speakers, including our district congressman. The best (and most depressing) sign I saw was a boomer-aged…
OK, fine, it may *also* be a meme, but it definitely happens more than you’d think.
It’s not exactly a meme. A co-worker of mine used to work in a call center for Nestle and when I shared this article in our team group chat, she said there were a surprising amount of calls from people complaining about broken teeth. Sure, some of them might have been bullshit, but she said the volume and sincerity…
I have no faith the senate will bother looking any further
Losing half the time in what amounts to - for the Women’s team - a friendly, non-ranked match is ‘equivalent?’ Interesting take.
What exactly is your point? That (11 year old) story has the Canadian Women’s team beating the kids 9-5.
Really frustrating that some of us have been sent to the greys, but burners and trolls are consistently in the black. Not sure what I ever did after being approved on Jezebel for years, but it really sucks.
Interesting that yesterday when you registered a similar burner to post the same shit, you spelled “woman of color” with the US spelling and today it’s “woman of colour.” Are you still a doctor today, or did you pick another profession?
He might act like one, but he was born in 1982. Depending on whose dates you use, he’s either a Millennial or Gen X, so...
No, it *always* means that. Doesn’t stop people from using the word incorrectly, but it also doesn’t change the meaning of the word.
I don’t care about Minecraft, didn’t have any intention of watching the video, just came straight to the comments to make sure someone already pointed this out. This is one of my biggest grammar/language peeves. Yeah, yeah, somebody’s going to reply with the trite “words change over time,” and “you know what he…
No, you absolutely would not scrimmage a similar skill level when preparing for a big match. The purpose of an event like that is to stay loose practice communication, and - in an event like this - have some fun publicity.