
Interesting take. All I’ve seen since this story broke and the way it’s been reported are swarms of Bernie Bros (and on social media, people I don’t consider Bernie Bros) screaming that Warren’s campaign ‘lied’ about this conversation and demanding an apology. So much so that my partner texted me from her night job ask

If you look at the highest level of women’s soccer and hockey, they are equivalent to 15-16 year old boys.

P.S. Is John Bolton’s head about to explode since we’re apparently going to war with Iran just a couple of months after he was pushed out of the administration?

they might consider investing a tiny amount of resources into fixing the issue

Poor editing isn’t new, and at this point we should be happy there’s any content here at all under the latest ownership.

It doesn’t seem like anyone actually watched the video. He says he’d love to *prosecute* the case. He seriously doesn’t know what’s happening here and that his client would be the fucking defendant. Either that or he’s... going to try to convict his own client? Now that would be a treat.

I had the same thought - I’ve known a few “juniors” in my life, and none of them refer to themselves as “junior” or even use it outside instances where you’d use a formal name (similar to how I don’t use my middle name/initial unless it’s an official document, etc). It’s downright weird to see on a birthday cake.

You should have gotten a $20 comforter from Wal-Mart, ripped off the tags, and told her to explain to her sorority “friends” that it was from an obscure store, they probably never heard of it. You’d have saved money and it would have driven the other spoiled brats nuts trying to find it.

Now playing

After I posted this I checked dates, and they’re doing a small US tour in the spring. I might try to catch them in Baltimore, which is about a 4-5 hour drive, but basically the closest for me. The supporting band, Bones UK, is pretty awesome too!

“Republicans” + “respect,” ha.

What did he do this time? Or is this just a general Fuck You?

Did you miss the three prequels where half of each movie was about the politics of the Star Wars universe? 

Now playing

Royal Blood didn’t get enough attention, in my opinion. I hear they’re working on a new album, so maybe we’ll have the first good Rock album of 2020 hopefully soon.

“Which Republican president was better.” Well, if you’re going by the modern party, Lincoln didn’t really align with the values, so that poll actually makes a lot of sense. The people who voted Lincoln in that poll only did so because they thought “aw, gee, he’s famous and widely recognized as being good.”

So they missed out on the opportunity to go to one of the very places that’s been proven to be chock full o’ child molesters? Forgive me if it sounds like they dodged a bullet.

*Regular-ass motorboats for scale

Thank god our system has 100,000 people in a sparsely populated wilderness giving a voice to someone with essentially life-or-death decision-making power for the rest of the nation.

Do they manufacture you guys in a lab, or is is creating Reddit bots to comment on 3-month-old articles the kind of automation Yang has been warning us about?

virulently pro-Trump. He just can’t be bothered to register.

One of my first bits of culture shock when I moved to Northeast PA is that SO MANY people drink white wine with ice. I was helping pour at a charity event and a lady started yelling at me for daring to pour a glass of Chardonnay without ice. Someone else had to come over and calm her down and explain this phenomenon