
Just FYI, the strict PA Voter ID law was struck down. The problem is that the perception is that it exists, and that’s caused a lot of confusion at the polls. I do my best to educate people. There is a “first time” ID requirement (does not need to be a photo ID), which is why it’s important to get registered and also

This is a tale as old as time. See: TV ratings (these 100 people in Ohio represent the tastes of everyone in the U.S., so your ‘primetime’ ad is going to be seen by 8 million people!), newspaper circulation (for every copy we sell, 3 other people read it because people give the newspaper to their neighbors and leave

a layer of ice cream with doughnuts in it, served between a sliced doughnut

Yeah, autocorrect gets me from time to time, but do you know what I do? I take the 0.00003 seconds to hit the “backspace” button and re-type the word.

Which 2020 Democrat can actually get support from voters this time around?”

When I visited the UK, there were multiple variations of testicle games including “sprouts out” and “sat in gum.”

OK, fine, if we’re going to play this game....

I know Rafi touched on it in the article text, but it’s funny that this is the only comment that touches on the absurdity of discussing Puerto Rico while the Pakistani Prime Minister is visiting. What, he figured they both start with “P” so it’s the same thing?

Don’t be so disingenuous. You know the editor probably just sent the recordings to some Russian on Fiverr.

Now playing

With zero respect to anyone involved in this comparison, when you say “Ann Coulter cover,” I assume you mean the book will be equivalent to the William Hung cover of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs.”

“his childhood summers in Communist Czechoslovakia that began his political thought process”

In fairness, that’s probably what his hands feel like.

I think a few people here just don’t understand how serious the Brits get about their formalwear. I studied in London for a bit and became friends with a bunch of rugby players who could drink every frat bro I knew in the States under the table. There was some eye-opening debauchery. But I had to rent a Tux at least 3


And if (when, if we’re being honest) something like that happened today, that farmer would still don his MAGA hat and pull the lever for anyone with “R” next to their name.

How did we get here?

OK, good job, you moved the goalposts. The point is the perception doesn’t mean fuck-all, and so the question itself is essentially meaningless. Lots of people say they think they’re going to do better financially next year because the goddamn Powerball jackpot is up, for fuck’s sake.

I could be mistaken, but the people who would subject themselves to a poll probably have more in common than just the willingness to take a poll.

They use “other methods,” FYI, including online surveys.

Gallup Panelist here, holding down the single, college-educated, white male between 30-40 with no landline in living in a swing state demographic.... I answered the semi-annual Economic perception survey as I always do (I answered ‘fair’).