
Yeah, I don't understand it properly myself. The story makes no sense, the characters are idiots, the dialogue is mostly stilted and I'm still not entirely sure what Illaria was trying to do in the arctic, but I kind of want to find out still.

This show has got progressively worse since episode one of season one.

Made all the better for the fact that it was actually applicable in that context!

So you know, Tenacious D.. Nobody admits that they like them, right? Although to be honest, Mastodon is better.
As for Aphex Twin. Good choice, grammies!

winterbells. That brings back great memories!

Wow. You must've listened to another costello then. I've never known him to put on a bad show and his material is simply astounding to me.

I just joined the boutique amp game too with a one wat tube combo my father and brother built based on old fender champ circuit diagrams with a line out (after the poweramp stage) and mein gott, it is beautiful sounding.It has the added bonus of being perfect for plugging into my much less great epiphone valve junior

I thought the final twist was a bit over the top too, but then, the perpetrator of the treason in question has also proven himself to be about as stupid in reality as he is smart in his own mind.

Dead end TV-shows seem to do this often. Sons Of Anarchy had the same issue.

I was thinking this too. As much shit as Sorkin gets for being preachy, he also often painstakingly researches and writes from the other side's perspective too. It's very easy to take any one line and attribute that to Sorkin's opinion on the world.

It's called a beanie, you ingrate.

At least season two is actually quite good so far.

I'm actually English. I just happen to speak the lingo, much like Nick Clegg.

At least they made him purposefully so. Self-aware fun-pokery is always good in my books

Danger is not derived from a Dutch word meaning prudence in financial matters, by the way, just saying. It puzzled me for about five minutes before I realised they were either trying to fuck with Dutch speakers or bullshitting altogether.

Not to nitpick, but the kuvira loyalists didn't do their research if mako usually goes along with wu to the bathroom. Surely the best kidnapping plan is to take advantage of a routine, not to hope that in this particular instance the routine will have changed and plan around that assumption.

Homer actually won a father of the year award in the UK at one point. Just sayin', two years after the fact.

Homer actually won a father of the year award in the UK at one point. Just sayin', two years after the fact.

Which is what would make it such a punk (for a corporation) thing to do!

Oh right, damn. There I was thinking I was clever.