
In before the gun the master zaps all of those people with is actually another teleportation device. Interdimensional and she's actually sending to gallifrey because they're useful to her there.

Ah, if we're going to go punk, why not Crass?

Yeah, Boyle and Gina are both somehow growing as characters out of this, which is exactly what the show needed. I always felt they were slightly too cartoonish to begin with.

Surprisingly good

Twelve minutes in. Good background music.

I really like this show so far, but only really in the sense that I can see it becoming great during the latter half of its season, much like SG:U. Right now the writers need to get the whole world building thing done with and figure out what characters work really well and which don't and cut them or place them in

Not to be an arsehole, but I don't watch the preview clips or promotional videos because I know they'll only spoil key plot points for me. Please don't do that here too often :(

Wait, is that really her? Wow, I hadn't noticed at all!

Well no, because that would mean I'm continually sexually frustra- Oh. Yeah, maybe you're right.

I dunno, I'd prefer to think that this show was written in full before it even began filming. It's almost too good to not have been.

If this were a worse TV show, I reckon we'd see a huge character defining torrent of rage erupt from that sweet naive man's mouth next week, but we won't. That's what I love about this show. It takes seemingly stereotypical characters down such unexpected roads.

Or it could just be a slight continuity error

They did proceed to immediately subvert it.

Thanks, I'll give it a listen. Just rediscovered Witchfinder General too, so I'm pretty set for my intellectual psuedo-theft!

But what about the utterly magnificent Billy Bragg?

Definitely. Always excited for some new Electric Wizard. They inspired me and a friend to start our own sludge/doom/stoner doom band recently.

Man, I kind of really love that Doom band. It's given me some ideas for cool riffs

She's the only one in the world who can do a DoS attack?

The rants make sense, as he's implied to be a somewhat mediocre writer who needs to get over himself before he gains any real success

If anything it's a deconstruction of the magical negro/smarter than he at first appears trope through overdoing it intentionally