
I wonder what's happening back at the veil. I hope sweetrobin has died.

I hate this show with a passion, but it's good to watch. Like a much lesser True Blood level of hate watching.

Only if you're also the type of person to be satisfied by 500 days of summer.

For the first time in a long while I really enjoyed doctor who. Capaldi is an utterly brilliant doctor with the right lines, companions and story. I'll be sad to see him go when he deserved so much better than the train wreck of a season the show had before this.

I think you're right in a certain sense, in that she obviously seems to care about her charges and the consequences they face when they disobey, but it's important to remember that she's doing the punishing more often than not. The entire handmaid system only works because the aunts keep it running. I buy the true

Much better

Great. Just what I need. People spreading Patrick Rothfuss's name around so I can be joined by hordes of other people who haven't been waiting for the next book for even half as long as I have. It's GoT all over a again.

Off-the-wall theory: Anarchronisms seeping into the coma means Archer is waking up. Modern elements will start to appear unexplained.

I just tried putting a melody to it. This is perfectly doable, though rhyming animals with animals made me quiver!

Yeah, that's true. He's like thunder contained in the form of a man, but so restrained in that. It's easy to forget that he's a Shakespearean actor.

Yeah, I'd like Wednesday to be ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME

I could fucking eat is what I'm thinking.

Well worth the binge.

Gauloises, not ze shitty kind! And be quick about it!

This show would be better titled "Bribing the Gods"

This was an issue before things like Kerbal Space Program existed. Now every nerd in the known universe knows how orbital mechanics work. Falling out of orbit is a correct term in that something came down and hit you from above. If an apple was thrown from orbit and hit my head, disregarding speed and temperature

Exactly. That's why I keep forgetting his name in this show.

Me too. I never tear up for shit like that. I thought Galactica did a compelling job, but this felt real.

I cracked up at that, waiting for a narm fest, but it didn't happen. It was actually kind of badass

What a fucking episode. This episode, with the refugees and all really brought the series home tonight. It has reached Battlestar Galactica levels of Sci Fi glory. Even the development of newer characters like Draper and the beginnings of a real power trio with Avaserala and her man ( whose name I currently forget)